Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Fitzgerald.

Laurie Fitzgerald (also known as Dr. Bist) was a male Human physician in the 24th century Starfleet.


Dr. Fitzgerald was Chief Medical Officer on the USS Al-Batani during the time that Kathryn Janeway was onboard that ship as a science officer and was her closest friend other than possibly Tuvok. (VOY reference: The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway)

He was chief surgeon on Caldik Prime while Tom Paris was stationed there.

By 2371, he held the rank of Lieutenant Commander and was assigned to the USS Voyager. He performed physicals on Harry Kim and Tom Paris, but didn't bother to hide his dislike of Paris in light of Paris' spotty record and imprisonment. He later shared a meal with Kim in the mess hall, but promptly left when Paris arrived. Fitzgerald was one of the casualities of Voyager's transport into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. (VOY novelization: Caretaker)

In VOY novella: The Badlands, Part III, Fitzgerald is referred to as Dr. Bist. However, in canon, he is unnamed.



USS Voyager medical personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets Hugh Cambridge • The Doctor • Fitzgerald • Jarem Kaz • Kes • Tom Paris • Sharak • T'Prena Seal of the Federation Starfleet
see also: engineering personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • miscellaneous

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