Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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Date uncertainty[]

Have doubts Joe Podnar was born in 1954 given when he died; it is possible of course. Would a question mark be sufficient to indicate uncertainty? I’ve confirmed Art Anthony is the one I’ve added details to: Quite affecting to read HB messages when he'd been was gone a few days to have read them; not 2 months after my mum died … anyhow. As a personal rule-of-thumb when I've been in doubt as to information I've not added it; take it this is sound general approach Archer4real (talk) 18:03, 24 January 2023 (UTC)

Podnar's is right: Actually Dec 9, 1953 according to public records, but close enough.
But yes, question marks are the norm for that, and yes, I see that about Anthony, I wonder how some can be so oblivious... –Gvsualan (talk) 18:35, 24 January 2023 (UTC)
Falling out of touch, other commitments, whatever; didn't mean they were blinkered/oblivious, perm any synonym from ten. Thanks for clarification Archer4real (talk) 19:47, 24 January 2023 (UTC)

Film and Television Wiki[]

Hey, suppose you could return to help edit and post pics for movies and tv episodes for the Film and Television wiki anytime soon? It's been a long time since you've contributed to it. (Hobbiton777 (talk) 02:18, 26 January 2023 (UTC))

Not unless I fall down another rabbit hole. Otherwise continuously bugging about it isn't accomplishing much other than be annoying.--Gvsualan (talk) 04:57, 13 February 2023 (UTC)
Hello! I'm sorry for annoying you the last time I sent a message to you, but since around 2023, I have been getting more help from other people like Crazylatin77 and OakleyTheOwl who have been posting cast pics for the wiki like Doom Patrol and Grey's Anatomy. Hopefully maybe someday this year or otherwise you'll have some time to post more pics or create pages for movies, tv show episodes, or actors. (Hobbiton777 (talk) 00:42, 14 January 2024 (UTC))

Adding a sub category to starfleet personnel[]

I was wondering since there's so many starfleet personnel assigned to Command Operations and Sciences divisions category can we talk about adding a subcategory such as [Category:Starfleet command personnel (23rd century)] or [Starfleet captains (23rd century)] just to clean up the categories a little?--Jkirk8907 (talk) 03:54, 18 February 2023 (UTC)

Memory Alpha:Category suggestions. --LauraCC (talk) 15:27, 18 February 2023 (UTC)
Would be preferred. --Gvsualan (talk) 15:44, 18 February 2023 (UTC)


I realize you've been doing this anyway, but I’d be grateful if you could turn your attention to "unknown DOBs" whenever you've time. Feel I've gone as far as I can and fed-up looking at the "usual suspects", i.e. those I can't find; "Don't look then" wouldn't be helpful advice. I also feel I've done well: Facebook's been useful [1], as have other sources [2]. Haven't added anything when I've not found complete data. e.g. Dana White Shea seems to have been born in July '59; if you could locate full date(s) I'd be impressed as I was with Biff Manard, crawl fawn grovel ;-) Thanks, anticipatorily Archer4real (talk) 10:27, 22 February 2023 (UTC)

I figured out Shea, and Norman Gibbs, Michael Haynes and Clay Hodges, all of whom had something faulty with the information in their page, so after I started them over they were easy to find. I absolutely cannot find anything about John Canning, William Glover, Jack Sutter, and (probably) Paul Baillargeon, mostly because they are "foreign" (to me) so it's harder for me to access the proper resources. And I cannot begin to fathom what "crawl fawn grovel" means, so thanks? –Gvsualan (talk) 19:29, 22 February 2023 (UTC)

I've been a bit concerned recently about accessing iffy websites for date-gathering; would this qualify [3]? Personally... I'd think not, on this one Archer4real (talk) 11:37, 24 March 2023 (UTC)

Agreed, this isn't really displaying personal/potentially invasive info. It's on par with or –Gvsualan (talk) 11:42, 24 March 2023 (UTC)

So what's your website of choice for d.o.b.s? If I can't log on in UK, it'll just be my hard luck. As for the fawning, etc. comment of a few weeks back this was a light-hearted way of ingratiating myself to ask a favor Archer4real (talk) 19:04, 24 March 2023 (UTC)


Hey, I wanted to apologize for repeating the same question about returning to the Film and Television wiki. I didn't mean to annoy you, I just needed to know how you were doing. (Hobbiton777 (talk) 19:40, 24 February 2023 (UTC))

Excessive subsections[]

Hi Gvsualan,

I apologize for the recent addition of what you refer to as "excessive subsections" on the pages for Odona and Fitzgerald (Admiral) — namely 'Biography'.

I do my best to make good edits on Memory Alpha, and understand if sometimes these need to be changed or reverted.

I'll be more careful in future. -- Freddie R. Aldous (talk) 20:08, 10 March 2023 (UTC)

Kronos One Edits[]

Hey, it was great to see you flip it back but your head canon is head fact now. I leave the edit to you. TIinPA

I'm not a twitter monkey who needs to be told what i know is being shown. It was always canon, so your comment is a complete oxymoron and moot. –Gvsualan (talk) 23:59, 29 March 2023 (UTC)

Spoilers where?[]

where did I put spoilers Slaugh324

Wes Dawn d.o.d[]

I take it you’ve confirmed Wes Dawn died 15/8/90, rather than 21st; amended latter hits accordingly. Reverse these of course if I'm wrong Archer4real (talk) 09:19, 13 April 2023 (UTC)

I hate navigating MA when I am using my mobile, and was going to fix it when I got to a computer, but you are correct, the new date is the proper one according to official death records. –Gvsualan (talk) 12:34, 13 April 2023 (UTC)

Enterprise (NX-01)[]

As you have restored the content indicating that the NX-01 was redesignated USS Enterprise at said article, I was wondering if you could point me toward where in PIC: "The Bounty" this was indicated. (I only know of the use of the prefix in the erroneous graphics in ENT: "Divergence".) Thank you! --Kinu (talk) 05:38, 15 April 2023 (UTC)

it's cited in the appropriate section via a tweet, which indicated that name appears on the model. You should have seen it added when i restored it.--Gvsualan (talk) 15:24, 16 April 2023 (UTC)
Ah, I didn't scroll down far enough to see the tweet citation. Thanks! --Kinu (talk) 20:09, 16 April 2023 (UTC)

Accidental ban[]

Hello, it seems I was blocked from editing for attempting to redirect the Face to the Borg Queen - I will leave it alone but any chance you could lift it? Thank you! --Pyramidhead (talk) 18:29, 17 April 2023 (UTC)

Never mind - looks like it is gone --Pyramidhead (talk) 18:31, 17 April 2023 (UTC)

Because the time limit had expired. Next time use the {{merge}} option, as noted here. –Gvsualan (talk) 18:34, 17 April 2023 (UTC)

File:Jame Kirk and Carol Marcus, alt 2259[]

Just noticed you left the s off James in your renaming lol. Just wanted to point it out.--Jkirk8907 (talk) 06:01, 18 April 2023 (UTC)

Sincere apologies[]

As I noted in my reply on my talk page, I hope you know it was completely and totally unintended.

I was trying to do my due diligence and state where the information came from, since it wasn’t directly stated.

How would you recommend posting the information in the future? —WTRiker (talk) 22:48, 21 April 2023 (UTC)

Who should take the time to post[]

In stead of putting content out there ourselves ... would it be better to message Sulfur and Gvsualan with our ideas and they can either post those ideas where they see fit or they can discard them. I totally knew my edits would be undone/deleted. It really kinda sucks when a person comes up with something interesting and takes the time to post it and it just gets deleted lickety-split. I learned a long time ago, back when dialup bulletin boards were a thing.... "Don't piss off the sysops." I get it. However - with the great power and authority that the moderators have - comes the requirement to have a little mercy on the little guys. LMK. THX. H Herb987 (talk)

Don't put this on us. We have a long established groundwork on how things flow and this place hasn't achieved the level of quality it strives for by accident. MA is not for fun facts and observations, it's an encyclopedia. More specifically, talk pages aren't for idle chat/unsubsitiated comments. Sure, you found a coincidence, but if it can't be substantiated, then it's not relevant. –Gvsualan (talk) 00:43, 2 May 2023 (UTC)

"Thanks for your input. Although interesting, this coincidence cannot be substantiated so it is not relevant to the location you posted it to. That being said, your post is being removed in order to maintain the quality and consistency of the content of this wiki. Best regards." - That would be much better than ... [highlight with the mouse, press the delete key on the keyboard, click save button.] Herb987 (talk)

I'm afraid you think I have the same amount of time to individualize comments that I assume you have to spend reading our guidelines before posting. Were that the case, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because you would have read them and I wouldn't have had to respond in any way whatsoever, and no one would have gotten offended over nothing. –Gvsualan (talk) 04:56, 2 May 2023 (UTC)

Maybe interesting[]

Hey. I thought Lisa Christy could be interesting for you, another centenarian. Cheers Tom (talk)

USS Gregory Jein[]

Dave Blass has just recently given us more information about the ships seen in "The Last Generation". Here is the information: [4] How would you like to proceed with this one?Memphis77 (talk) 21:52, 25 May 2023 (UTC)

Is it different than the USS Gregory Jein? And why is this as a whole different than anything else?–Gvsualan (talk) 22:34, 25 May 2023 (UTC)

Automobiles and other real world events.[]

I noticed with this latest episode quite a few people are putting real world information in new articles. Articles like the 2000 Ford Focus, 2010 Audi Q7 and events like Chernobyl. We know that it's a 2000ish Ford Focus in the real world, but we only see the front of the car and the logo. Where is this information coming from in the episode? Shouldn't this information be Appendices or something? ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 19:17, 30 June 2023 (UTC)

Merging my old user page[]

Hi, Gvsualan. Could you please merge the page history of my old user page ("User:Noel Tucker") with my current account's user page (User:Noel Tucker, Dark Lord of the Sith)? Once this is done, please leave a redirect at User:Noel Tucker that goes to User:Noel Tucker, Dark Lord of the Sith.

Many thanks Noel Tucker (talkcontributionsactivity) 14:22, 16 July 2023 (UTC)

Christopher Pike, 2249 image[]

I thought deleted scenes photos couldn't be used on article pages?--Jkirk8907 (talk) 15:32, 27 July 2023 (UTC)

I didn't realize it was from a deleted scene. Otherwise, at least not in the "in universe" section. –Gvsualan (talk) 15:41, 27 July 2023 (UTC)

Yeah its from the deleted scene from Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach (episode). and also good to know.--Jkirk8907 (talk) 15:43, 27 July 2023 (UTC)


Hey there! I’m reaching out to introduce the Admin+ program (if you haven’t heard about it already!) & let you know I’m here if you have any questions about it. Take a look at the details here & feel free to send over any questions you have. pikushi ✧.* 20:45, 11 September 2023 (UTC)

Star Trek Very Short Treks[]

What do you think of this idea? -- Noah Tall (talk) 16:10, 18 September 2023 (UTC)

Mary Mascari's DOB[]

On Mary Mascari's page, you added the birthdate of "31 December 1928". However, I didn't find that birthdate on public records. I only found "abt 1929" and "16 January 1929". Where did you find the birthdate? Was it just a default date? - Hawkfighter222 (talk) forgot the time I made this, 13 October 2023 (CDT)

Larry Anthony[]

How did you discover that Larry Anthony's real name was "Lawrence Anthony Mushro"? Do you ask people about these kind of things? - Hawkfighter222 (talk) 18:04, 22 October 2023 (CDT)

What "people"? –Gvsualan (talk) 23:16, 22 October 2023 (UTC)


Hi, Gvsualan. I brought this up awhile ago here and here, but I'm not sure if any admins noticed, so I thought I'd point it out to you now. In summary, what I said on those talk pages was that, for a variety of reasons, I think that the gadgets extension should be enabled on MA. (For details on why I think this and what gadgets I think should be made, please read my posts on the linked talk pages.)

Anyway, I don't know if it is or isn't a Memory Alpha or Fandom rule/guideline, but I sort of assume that admins should be the ones to ask Fandom to enable extensions. So, I haven't requested the extension enabled for MA. If you have read the talk pages and agree with my reasoning, could you please request the extension enabled and create the gadgets?

Also, could you replace all the text on MediaWiki:Concealer.css with a compilation of all the CSS I wrote for the various gadgets? The Concealer CSS is almost entirely inoperable because it was written back when Memory Alpha used a different skin. Because of this, the seven-hundred users who use that file through their personal CSS aren't actually getting the intended effect.

Thanks for reading. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 21:43, 29 October 2023 (UTC)

That would be fine. –Gvsualan (talk) 02:05, 30 October 2023 (UTC)

Thank you! 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 02:06, 30 October 2023 (UTC)

You did submit a request to Fandom, right? Or did you want me to do that? Sorry to bother you, but I just wasn't entirely sure. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 13:35, 2 November 2023 (UTC)

I asked the other admins if it was doable and they were also fine with 'putting it into the concealer, but not ok with a few of them in the main CSS.' That's all that matters. –Gvsualan (talk) 14:33, 2 November 2023 (UTC)

So . . . am I to take it that we aren't going to have gadgets enabled? 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 16:28, 2 November 2023 (UTC)

Hello? 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 12:44, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

More to the point -- the things that were put into the concealeer, we were NOT allowed to have in the common CSS and Fandom staff have pointed out that several of them still cannot be in the main CSS as they go against the TOU still. Thus, we'll still have to have the majority in the concealer CSS. -- Sulfur (talk) 14:29, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

Let me clarify: I am not suggesting we add that CSS to the common CSS. I am also aware that the vast majority of it violates the customization policy. I am recommending that a) the concealer CSS be updated with all the CSS I put on the talk page, because most of the current CSS on that page doesn't work anymore, and b) we have the gadgets extension enabled and create various gadgets with portions of the CSS so that users can enable portions of the concealer CSS without having to use all of it.

To clarify, as long as gadgets remain disabled by default, they do NOT violate the customization policy. To see an example of how gadgets can be turned off by default and have to be selected by the user to implement, see here.

So, I don't mean to be rude, but what have you two been talking about? Did you misunderstand what I meant? If so, I hope this clarifys it.

Now, if you don't want to do what I am suggesting, could you please just explain why? If you agree with what I am suggesting, could one of you please request that Fandom enable the gadgets extension and let me know here so I know that you understand what I am talking about?

I am genuinely sorry if I wasn't cleare enough; I just don't understand how that could be.

Thank you for reading. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 16:38, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

PS: There is one bit of CSS that I don't think violates the customization policy, which is the bit that makes category links to nonexistent categories look like normal red links instead of just like normal links. If, as I believe, it does not violate that policy, it could be added to the common CSS. It does not have to be, if anyone thinks it shouldn't—then it could just remain part of the concealer and become a gadget—but I think it would be best to add it to the common CSS, unless, as you seem to think, it violates the customization policy. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 16:53, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

OK, that's a MUCH clearer explanation than before. I have previously asked for gadgets to be enabled (there's a few that I've wanted to have for a while), nothing happened, so I pinged them again about it. The category one doesn't violate the TOU, but I seem to recall that we did try it in the common.css and it didn't have any effect, but moving it into the concealer did work fine. -- Sulfur (talk) 16:58, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

OK, thanks! Regarding the category CSS, maybe you could try that again; several other Fandom wikis that I know of use similar CSS and it works just fine. Maybe the issue has been fixed. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 17:02, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

Gadgets are now enabled. I created a handful of them based on some I liked on other wikis. :)
I'll take a look at the stuff you've put together next. -- Sulfur (talk) 17:14, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

OK, thanks a bunch for creating those gadgets! LLAP 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 17:39, 5 November 2023 (UTC)

Very Short Trek[]

Dude, that show not canon, it even says 'Anything But Canon' in it web-page, please tag any entry from it properly.Ghidorafour (talk) 06:47, 10 November 2023 (UTC)

Dude, read your own talk page and related forum. Doing rogue edits without a plan accomplishes nothing. –Gvsualan (talk) 07:04, 10 November 2023 (UTC)

Carol Freeman page editing[]

Hi, thanks for taking action against the user PiLambdaOd. They have been doing this against this character on other boards for some time now, most notably the Reddit Lower Decks group. They have some personal problem with Carol Freeman and won't stop going on about it, despite all efforts to make them see reason and get them to stop. You can't talk them out of it. Their arguments are just their own interpretation. I don't think it has any place on a page where it's supposed to be about what's on screen, not personal opinion.

Can you let me know when I am able to edit the Carol Freeman page again? She's my personal favorite and I've made it a personal mission to edit her page for almost two years now. I've never abused the privilege and always tried to take care in my entries and descriptions, following the rules and limiting everything to what's on screen. My history will show that.



The difference between an extra /background Performer and a Stunt Actress[]

I have never performed as an extra/ background performer. I am a Stuntwoman and have always been under contract as a stuntwoman

Brian J Williams has never been an extra/background performer

Brian has always been under a stunt contract. He has NEVER been hired as an extra/ background performer. Please understand the difference between a stunt person and an extra /background performer. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Stuntrek43 (talkcontribs).

Well the question came up in the past, and I can't tell you the exact location at the moment, but we never got a straight answer from anyone, and since we're trying to eliminate the nuances that we clearly have no ability to verify or accurately define without a first hand account, in most cases, and IIRC, we felt it was just easiest to say: a stunt double is someone who clearly plays as a substitute for another actor, and an actor is someone who was credited and anyone else who played a background/uncredited character was a "background performer" (and if said background performer performed a stunt as well, we included them in the stunt category). –Gvsualan (talk) 17:32, 4 December 2023 (UTC)
This is the discussion in question: Memory Alpha talk:Manual of Style#Character and Actor sidebars, you're welcome to clarify there. –Gvsualan (talk) 17:50, 4 December 2023 (UTC)

In front of the camera Actors, stuntpeople, stunt doubles are paid at one rate. Stuntpeople are paid at a much higher rate though they may not talk on screen. Extras, Background Performers are paid at a different rate. Stand-in though not filmed stand-in for an Actor so that the character can be properly lite. Photo double or body double is a type of an extra/ background performer The preceding unsigned comment was added by Stuntrek43 (talkcontribs).

So without access to someone's SAG contract this can only be speculated on our side. We need something more concrete than this to be accurate one way or another. –Gvsualan (talk) 20:32, 4 December 2023 (UTC)
To be clear, mixing background performers and stunt performers is wrong. And I doubt we need to "see" a contract for every stunt person ever worked on a "Trek" series or film. Here is a link to the SAG-AFTRA handbook for working background actors just to make sure what they are allowed to do and what not. Here is a short list of terms. I think the common "misidentification" is, that stunt performers ONLY work as stunt doubles. Here is a link to the SAG-AFTRA Stunts & Safety Contracts Digest. The difference to the one of a background actor is not hard to see. Focused on Star Trek, help can be call sheets. On these daily work schedules stunt performers are ALWAYS listed in the cast section and specifically identified as "Stunt". On over hundreds of call sheets I have access to, never ever appeared a stunt performer (stunt double or stunt actor) in the "Extras/Atmosphere" section of the call sheet. If needed, I can upload a couple to prove this. Tom (talk)
If we're going to rely on call sheets, then we need to have all of the call sheets available. As you well know (since I know you've been collecting them), they aren't widely available. Without those widely available, it's all guesswork involved, unfortunately.
The other issue is that we often see stunt people in the background of scenes, almost like extras or "background actors". Not doing a stunt. Not being a double. Just being visible in a scene. -- Sulfur (talk) 19:32, 13 December 2023 (UTC)

You do seeing us doing a stunt possibly in a following scene. We are stunt people. We are paid as stunt people. The Production Company does not take money back from us if our stunt is edit out. All you have to do is look up our credits on the Are you going to call Dennis Madalone (the Stunt Coordinator of TNG, DS9 and Voyager) a background performer if you don't see him doing a stunt?????, but you see him on camera? Dennis has NEVER been an Extra or a Background Performer.

Question: In TOS, in the episode called "The Empath" because she did not talk.....are you going to identify her as an Actress or an Extra?

Please list us in the category that we were hired in and DO NOT change our Professional. Thank you The preceding unsigned comment was added by Stuntrek43 (talkcontribs).

Even if we did just use IMDb for credits, we would list you as having been both an actress and stuntwoman, since that's what IMDb does. So . . . we would then end up listing you as both, which is not what you want, right?
As Gvsualan and Sulfur have said, without a first hand account or using call sheets which aren't publicly accessible, the only thing we can do is list roles based simply on what we see on screen.
That being said, it could potentially be useful to use the call sheets for this. Of course, in that case, it would be ideal for them to be uploaded to MA for ease of access. Would this be doable? I don't really know, but I figure I should put this out there. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 21:38, 13 December 2023 (UTC)
Stunt team

Some of Dennis Madalone's Stunt Team

We never had a problem with Memory-Alpha before. Why are you making up with ridiculous rules. Then look at and see the difference of Extra/Background Performers vs Stunts. Should I tell Dennis Madalone that he is no longer a Stunt Coordinator because Memory-Alpha has decided that stuntpeople are extras? You really think that we kept all our stunt contracts and call sheets?... --Stuntrek43.

First of all, you are being dramatic, stunt people are still categorized as stunt people, that has not changed, and these aren't "rules". At last count we have over two dozen different descriptors for performers, and that in itself is ridiculous, so our issue came with the fact that nothing is consistent, and for certain, nothing is as simple as it could be.
In the case of the "The Empath" actress, that is simple, she was credited as a "guest star", so she is an "actress", if she wasn't credited, then she'd be a "background actress". Nana Visitor occasionally did her own stunts, does that make her any more a stunt person, than it makes a stunt person who appears on screen without performing a stunt or spoke a few lines a background performer or actor?
Again, there was never any intent to disrespect, as this was previously discussed and as I've said, we had no input, and for the simple fact that WE DON'T KNOW WHAT EVERY UNCREDITED PERSON WAS HIRED AS, we did what seemed like the most streamlined way of organizing a pretty messed and inconsistent selection of job titles without splitting too many hairs. --Gvsualan (talk) 00:23, 14 December 2023 (UTC)
And for the record, I was asking Tom about the call sheets, of which he says he has hundreds. I was not asking you, Stuntrek43. I don't expect you to have any call sheets. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 00:59, 14 December 2023 (UTC)

I have several call sheets. On IMDB, it will identify us as Stunt in one box and uncredited in another. ThomasHL knows who we are and that we are stuntpeople. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Stuntrek43 (talkcontribs).

No one is claiming that you are not stuntpeople. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 02:56, 14 December 2023 (UTC)

Just Curious[]

You seem pretty knowledgeable about unknown actors and such...since you knew who the Taco Bell lady was. By any chance are you familiar with who might have played these, any of these or these? -- Noah Tall (talk) 12:55, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

Kids in underwear, I feel like this is an FBI sting or something... –Gvsualan (talk) 14:17, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

Ha hahahaha probably....I guess that means you don't recognize any of them. -- Noah Tall (talk) 15:50, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

Klingon language and Odd Squad (In simple cosmos version) Wiki[]

Hey, Gvsualan, I'm asks two question to you:

  • What is the Klingon language?
  • Can you speak Klingon language?

also, please you join the Odd Squad (In simple cosmos version) Wiki, and create an page named "Klingon language" on the Odd Squad (In simple cosmos version) wiki TESS J1719-2200 (talk) 05:50, 25 December 2023 (UTC)


You have a link to the Klingon language page, so if you read that you'd have you first answer. Also, I really have no desire to join any other wikis. –Gvsualan (talk) 04:44, 27 December 2023 (UTC)

Admin Nomination[]

Hi! I just wanted to make sure you were aware that I've put in an admin nomination for Mr. Starfleet Command at MA:NFA. You may have already noticed it, or not. Either way, I invite you to drop by and give your thoughts. Thanks! Noel Tucker (talkcontributionsactivity) 02:51, 31 December 2023 (UTC)

Something I need help wit[]

Good afternoon. When I was going through making the page "expedition", I did not realize it was added boldly in the page "Mission". What do we do about the expedition page I made? You once did a merging with the Ruins page when I showed it to you. –Brian Gordon (talk) 03:10, 16 January, 2024 (UTC)

Post a {{merge with}} template on the article to be merged from... and list wagt it should be merged to. -- Sulfur (talk) 20:17, 16 January 2024 (UTC)


Should this wiki add Achievements? The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jstewart2007 (talkcontribs).

No. Just like on the other places you left this. -- Sulfur (talk) 03:00, 17 January 2024 (UTC)

Announcement: What star timeline pages on OSISCV wiki do you like?[]

Hey, Gvsualan, Since I'm are administrator on the Odd Squad (In simple cosmos version) Wiki, and you are also an administrator on the Memory Alpha Wiki, so, Let's us to join OSISCV Wiki!

I'm asks an question to you: What star timeline pages on OSISCV wiki do you like?

Please you choose any answers, If you likes solar system, please you choose the B answer, also, Gvsualan, please call the Odd Squad (In simple cosmos version) Wiki as OSISCV Wiki TESS J1719-2200 (talk) 18:01, 31 January 2024 (UTC)

Another page merge[]

Good afternoon. Do you think the intruder and invader pages should be merged with Trespasser? –Brian Gordon (talk) 04:06, 27 February, 2024 (UTC)

Hologram banner[]

Please see Memory Alpha:Template suggestions#Holoprogram banner. I'm asking you because you were the one who posted the ABC banner, so possibly you could make the hologram banner if it's a good idea (you made the ABC one, correct, not just posted it for someone else?). --LauraCC (talk) 03:45, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
