Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of personnel assigned to the USS Titan.

Crew manifest[]

Name Rank (final) Position Division Dates Species Note
Boimler, Brad Lieutenant junior grade Conn officer Command 23802381 Human Transferred from the USS Cerritos; demoted and transferred back to the Cerritos following a transporter accident
Boimler, William Lieutenant junior grade Command 2381 Human Faked his own death to be recruited by Section 31
Fletcher Lieutenant Command 2380 Human Transferred from the USS Cerritos; demoted, fired, and transferred to Earth
Troi-Riker, Thaddeus Human left the Titan after he was born to live on Nepenthe
Riker, William T. Captain Commanding officer Command 2379 Human
Troi, Deanna Commander Counselor Sciences 2379– Human/Betazoid hybrid

Unnamed personnel[]

Bridge officers 1 []

These bridge officers, including a Saurian commander, served in 2380, when the Titan engaged a fleet of Pakled Clumpships that were attacking the USS Cerritos, and when the Titan later headed to Tulgana IV. (LD: "No Small Parts")

Bridge officers 2 []

These officers served on the bridge in 2381. (LD: "Strange Energies", "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

Chief engineer []

Titan chief engineer

Chief engineer

This male Human operations division lieutenant commander, who had a British accent, served as the ship's chief engineer. (LD: "Strange Energies", "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

This engineer was voiced by Robert Gilbert.

His accent was specified in the episode's closed captioning.

In the Star Trek: Titan series of novels, the chief engineer of the Titan was Nidani Ledrah (β) and then Xin Ra-Havreii (β).

Command lieutenant []

Titan command lieutenant 1

Male lieutenant

This male Human command division lieutenant, who was joined by one of the Titan's conn officers, was impressed with Lieutenant jg Brad Boimler's knowledge of Tulgana IV in 2380, while meeting Boimler in his quarters before his bridge shift. (LD: "No Small Parts") He continued serving on the bridge in 2381. (LD: "Strange Energies", "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

This lieutenant was voiced by Echo Kellum.

Conn officer 1 []

Titan female conn officer

Conn officer

This female Human command division lieutenant served as the ship's conn officer in 2380.

She joined up with a male command lieutenant and Lieutenant jg Brad Boimler at Boimler's quarters before his and her bridge shift. She was impressed with Boimler's knowledge of Tulgana IV. She later sat at next to Boimler at the second conn position on the bridge as the ship set course for the planet. (LD: "No Small Parts")

This conn officer was voiced by an unknown actress.

Conn officer 2 []

Titan male conn officer

Conn officer

This male Human ensign served as the ship's conn officer in 2381. (LD: "Strange Energies")

He reported from the bridge, to Captain Riker in the transporter room, that there was an incoming shuttle from the surface of Karzill IV. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

This conn officer was voiced by Nolan North.

Doc []

The "doc" was the ship's chief medical officer.

Following the return of the (unknown at the time) transporter clone of Lieutenant Brad Boimler from the surface of Karzill IV, Captain Riker requested that he be escorted to sickbay so "the doc" could check him out. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

This doc was only mentioned in dialogue.

In the Star Trek: Titan series of novels, the chief medical officer of the Titan was Shenti Yisec Eres Ree (β).

In The Dark Veil, the chief medical officer of the Titan was Talov (β).

First officer []

Titan first officer

First officer

This female alien commander served as the ship's first officer during the 2380s. (LD: "Strange Energies")

In 2379, as Captain Riker was departing the USS Enterprise-E, Captain Jean-Luc Picard gave Riker some advice about ignoring his first officer when they insists on Riker not going on away missions. (Star Trek Nemesis)

She originally joined Starfleet to study moss, but later heroically claimed she did so that she could "boldly go".

She joined the away team that infiltrated Karzill IV in order to discover who the "puppet master" of the Pakled's were. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

The first officer was voiced by Vanessa Marshall.

In the Star Trek: Titan and The Dark Veil novels, that position was filled by Christine Vale (β).

Operations ensign []

Titan engineering officer 1

Female ensign

The female Human operations division ensign served on the ship's bridge in 2380 and 2381. (LD: "No Small Parts", "Strange Energies", "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

Shuttlebay officers []

Luna class shuttlebay

Shuttlebay officers

These shuttlebay officers tended to the Type 6A shuttlecraft parked there in 2381. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

Tactical officer []

Titan tactical officer

Tactical officer

This male Human lieutenant served on the bridge in 2381 as the ship's tactical officer. (LD: "Strange Energies")

He joined the away team that infiltrated Karzill IV in order to discover the identity of the Pakleds' "puppet master". (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

This tactical officer was voiced by Ryan Stanger.

Transporter chief []

Titan transporter chief

Transporter chief

This female transporter chief was responsible for beaming the away team off of Karzill IV, and in part, for creating the transporter duplicate of Brad Boimler. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

This transporter chief was voiced by an unknown actress.

Transporter command officer []

Titan command transporter officer

Command officer

This command division officer was in the transporter room when Brad Boimler and his transporter duplicate were beamed aboard. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

External link[]
