Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A Pakled Clumpship was an enhanced starship utilized by Pakled rebels during the 2380s, with the assistance of the rogue Klingon officer Captain Dorg. (LD: "wej Duj") These vessels began as Mondor-type craft, but were heavily fortified with new stolen or salvaged components. (LD: "No Small Parts", et al.)


By 2380, the Pakleds had stolen or acquired enough ship parts to be able to retrofit their ships into formidable foes. These ships contained components from such species as the Romulans, Klingons, Ferengi, Bajorans, and Arkonians.

Technical data[]

Pakled Ship Telemetry

Analysis of Packled Clumpship

Pakled Clumpships were equipped with warp drive. (LD: "No Small Parts")

Pakled ship firing phasers

A Pakled Clumpship firing phasers

Pakled ship grapplers

Pakled Clumpship grapplers

Another ship, captained by Jackabog, had weapons, including multiple phasers, from over thirty different species, and proved to be far superior to a California-class starship.

These ships were also equipped with mining arms, which were used to snare other ships, as well as tear those ships apart for salvage. (LD: "No Small Parts")

Ships of the class[]




Background information[]

Pakled Clumpship Pakled intertitle 3a

Origin of designation

The designation "Clumpship" was first referenced in an intertitle displayed in "wej Duj".

These vessels were prominently featured in the Star Trek: Lower Decks opening credits beginning in Season 2.
