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  • T: Field of Fire
  • A: DS9
  • N: 7x13
  • P: 40510-563
  • C: 555
  • D: 10
  • M: February
  • Y: 1999
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Ezri bio[]

Could someone post the entire bio screen from this episode? Ben Sisko 04:20, 22 February 2006 (UTC)

Dialogue error[]

When Ezri offers to walk the lieutenant to his quarters she says to Kira, "This isn't the first young ensign I've walked home."


    Perhaps the Vulcan's name is a reference to Stargate SG-1? Chulak is the name of the Jaffa's homeworld... well, one of them afaik.

--Ihmhi 17:37, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

Indeed, it is assumed that Chu'lak's named is based off of Apophis' Jaffa homeworld from Stargate SG-1, which is, of course, named Chulak. That note is placed under the Chu'lak page. - Enzo Aquarius 17:39, 29 January 2007 (UTC)


  • The male Bolian is described as being survived by a wife and co-husband. Some fans took this to mean that same-sex marriages were given legal recognition in the future. It could also refer to polyandry (more than one man being married to the same woman).

What "some fans" think is irrelevant.–Cleanse ( talk | contribs ) 00:51, February 28, 2011 (UTC)

Serial killer[]

Does anyone know if this term is used in the script's descriptive passages? That's what Chu'lak is; would it be a stretch to make [[serial killer]] a page? --LauraCC (talk) 19:46, October 21, 2016 (UTC)

It does not. Mass murderer seems to be the term...unfortunately. --Alan (talk) 20:25, December 11, 2019 (UTC)