Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Saavik was a Federation Type 14 shuttlecraft in service to Starfleet in the early 25th century. It was attached to the USS Titan-A, with the number 3.

In 2401, the Saavik was held in Shuttlebay 3. To aid Captain William T. Riker and Admiral Jean-Luc Picard in their unauthorized mission to rescue Beverly Crusher on the SS Eleos XII, Commander Seven of Nine called away the ensign guarding it, giving them the opportunity to launch the shuttle. Riker piloted the shuttle to the aft docking port on the Eleos XII, whereupon he and Picard boarded the small starship. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

Shortly after, the Shrike destroyed the shuttle with a volley of photon torpedoes, cutting off that avenue of escape. (PIC: "Disengage")

The shuttle is presumably named after Saavik.
