Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Gorkon was a Federation Type 14 shuttlecraft in service to Starfleet during the early 25th century. It was attached to the USS Intrepid.

In 2401, Commander Ro Laren and two security officers took the Gorkon from the Intrepid to the USS Titan. Ro insisted on the shuttle as she did not trust the transporter operators on the Intrepid.

After sharing her fears of widespread Changeling infiltration of Starfleet with Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, Ro departed on the Gorkon. En route, her security officers, who had been replaced by Changelings, planted a bomb on the shuttle and transported to the Titan. Unable to disarm the bomb in time, or beam away due to a transport inhibitor, Ro piloted the Gorkon into the Intrepid's port nacelle, giving the Titan an opportunity to escape. (PIC: "Imposters")

This shuttle was presumably named after Klingon Chancellor Gorkon.
