Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Rigel VI was the inhabited sixth planet in the Rigel system.

Food Synthesizer

A display showing Rigel VI

In a commercial for Tribbles cereal, Rigel VI was shown on a computer screen of a food synthesizer in the mess hall of the USS Ravenous. It was listed along with other locations such as Earth, Vulcan, Izar, Andoria, Tellar, Cestus, and Rigel X. (ST: "The Trouble with Edward", credit cookie)

In 2401, when Jean-Luc Picard and William T. Riker recalled a USS Enterprise-D mission to Rigel VII that led to the development of the Myriad encryption codec, Riker initially misremembered the planet as Rigel VI. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

This planet was only mentioned in writing.

According to Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, Starbase 134 was located on Rigel VI. It was home to one of Starfleet's many ASDB Integration Facilities and was a major production base for building Miranda-class starships and Type 15 and Type 16 shuttlepods.
