Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

In Greek mythology, Pan was the son of Hermes, and the god of shepherds. He was an excellent musician, and was at home in wild places, such as forests, where he enjoyed the company of woodland nymphs. He was a member of a race of alien explorers, who visited Earth thousands of years ago and posed as gods.

In 2267, Apollo directed Kirk not to bring Spock with him to the surface of Pollux IV, claiming that Spock reminded him of Pan, and that Pan had always bored him. In a way, this proved Apollo's undoing, as Spock was able to marshal the resources of the USS Enterprise to destroy Apollo's temple and end his threat. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

During a game of oversized telekinetic chess on Platonius between Eraclitus and Dionyd, Alexander warned the former that his "Pan is in jeopardy." Following a "well played" moved, however, Eraclitus proved otherwise and won the game.

Later, in a song from the ancient Greek comedy The Frogs, played by Alexander, he referenced the "Great Pan" who, he sang, "sounds his horn; marking time to the rhyme with his hoof..." (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

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