Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Pakled Clumpships.

By commander[]

By incident[]

Kalla system ambush []

Clumpship 1 []

Pakled clumpship 1


This Clumpship was the first of three that arrived in the Kalla system that took over Jackabog's failed attempt to forcibly dismantle the USS Cerritos in late 2380. The ship's captain gloated to the crew of the Cerritos that the "Enterprise" was now theirs. All three ships took hold of the Cerritos with their grapplers, and began pulling it in different directions. However, they were soon driven off by the USS Titan. (LD: "No Small Parts", "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption")

Pakled ship over Karzill IV

Pakled ship over Karzill IV

The following year, this ship launched an invasion of the Varuvian mining colony on Karzill IV. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

Clumpship 2 []

Pakled clumpship 2


This Clumpship, along with two others, arrived in the Kalla system, and took over Jackabog's failed attempt to forcibly dismantle the USS Cerritos using his ship in late 2380. All three ships took hold of the Cerritos with their grapplers, and began pulling it in different directions. However, they were soon driven off by the USS Titan. (LD: "No Small Parts", "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption")

Clumpship 3 []

Pakled clumpship 3


This Clumpship, along with two others, arrived in the Kalla system, and took over Jackabog's failed attempt to forcibly dismantle the USS Cerritos using his ship in late 2380. All three ships took hold of the Cerritos with their grapplers, and began pulling it in different directions. However, they were soon driven off by the USS Titan. (LD: "No Small Parts", "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption")

USS Titan engaging a Pakled ship

Pakled ship battling the USS Titan

In 2381, this ship was again engaged in battle with the Titan. It retreated after its aft shields were disabled by a phaser and photon torpedo volley from the Titan, using attack pattern Delta. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

Battle with Borg against Romulans and Klingons []

USS Cerritos witnesses the Romulans and Klingons fighting the Pakleds and Borg

Battling the Romulans and Klingons

Sometime around 2381, these two Clumpships participated in a battle alongside four Borg cubes against eight D'deridex-class Romulan warbirds and six Klingon Birds-of-Prey. The Cerritos was also present, but hastily departed the battlefield after taking weapons fire from the Borg. (Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2 opening credits)

Pakled Planet fleet []

Pakled Clumpships orbiting Pakled Planet

Four clumpships orbiting Pakled Planet

This fleet of Clumpships was stationed in orbit of Pakled Planet when the Cerritos arrived to discuss a cease-fire in 2381. (LD: "The Spy Humongous", "First First Contact")

This group of ships was the first to show the most consistency in its design, with the only variation being the glowing color on their aft section, which also matched with the design of the Pakled and the ships appearing the opening credits.

Battle with Borg against Romulans, Klingons, and a Crystalline Entity []

...(Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3 opening credits)

Battle with Borg against Romulans, Klingons, Breen, a Whale Probe, and a Crystalline Entity []

...(Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 opening credits)
