Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Kalla system was a planetary system that belonged to the Pakleds.

In 2370, the Duras sisters learned of a rich magnesite deposit in this system. They subsequently purchased second-hand mining equipment and mined over ten thousand kilograms of magnesite on Kalla III, since the Pakleds didn't know about the deposit and its value.

The Kalla system was located about sixteen hours from Maranga IV. (TNG: "Firstborn")

Sixteen hours was presumably the time the USS Enterprise-D required to travel from the Maranga system to the Kalla system at a non-emergency speed, typically warp 5.

In 2380, the USS Solvang was destroyed with all hands by a Pakled Clumpship just after it had finished conducting a plasma ring scan around a star in this system. When the USS Cerritos responded to a distress call from the Solvang, the Pakled vessel quickly disabled the Cerritos. Ensign Sam Rutherford and Lt. Shaxs boarded the Pakled ship and destroyed it by uploading a computer virus created by the malicious holodeck program Badgey — at the cost of Rutherford's cybernetic implant and, temporarily, Shaxs' life.

Shortly afterward, three more Pakled Clumpships arrived and attacked the damaged Cerritos; however, they quickly withdrew after the USS Titan arrived. (LD: "No Small Parts")

A year later, Rutherford's implant — containing Badgey — was salvaged from the debris of the destroyed Pakled Clumpship in the Kalla system by a Drookmani scavenger ship. (LD: "The Stars At Night", "A Few Badgeys More")

"KALL-uh was the pronunciation for this system's name from the script pronunciation guide for "Firstborn". [1]
