Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Mount Tar'Hana was a volcano on the planet Vulcan. It still occasionally erupted in the 22nd century.

When they visited Vulcan in 2154, T'Pol and Trip Tucker saw Mount Tar'Hana during their descent to the surface. T'Pol later told Tucker that they could schedule a tour of the crater if he was interested. (ENT: "Home")

In an alternate timeline where the Confederation of Earth was waging a war against the Vulcans, in 2401 the Vulcan Defense Forces captured Confederation Corps company Delta-7 and held them in the northern foothills of Mount Tar'Hana. (PIC: "Penance")

Mount Tar'Hana was first mentioned in the Last Unicorn Games role-playing guide The Way of Kolinahr, which features an atlas of the planet Vulcan.

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