Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Miss Kyle was the primary school teacher aboard the USS Enterprise-D.

In 2368, Worf's son Alexander attended her school. Upon their first meeting, she asked him for some of his personal information, including how to spell his last name and his birthday. She assured Worf she'd get the rest of Alexander's information from his old school on Earth and asked how long the boy would be staying on the Enterprise.

Ms. Kyle later unintentionally interrupted a staff meeting to mention that they needed to schedule placement examinations for Alexander and ask Worf when would be convenient. Worf told her he would call her to discuss it later.

Upon hearing that Worf had enrolled Alexander in her school, Deanna Troi described her as a wonderful teacher. She also asked whether Ms. Kyle had told them about the father-son field trip that afternoon, which Worf said she had.

Some time after, when Ms. Kyle took her students to the Enterprise's biolab, she taught them about white rhinoceroses and Corvan gilvos. She caught Alexander stealing a lizard model and explained that she had neglected to tell the students they were for everyone to play with, not just him, asking if he still had it. When Worf heard her question, he refused to believe that Alexander had stolen the model and asked him. Alexander replied in the negative, causing Worf to admonish Kyle for accusing him. She assured Worf she had seen Alexander put the toy in his jacket, upon which Worf looked and found it.

Later, in a parent-teacher meeting with Worf, after complimenting Alexander's intelligence, she addressed her concerns about the boy's behavior, which included his aggression, rebellious nature, lack of attention, lying, theft, bullying, and his claim that Worf had told him that Klingons did not listen to teachers. After Worf confirmed he had not said that, she admitted she figured he hadn't and that Alexander was trying to justify his bad behavior. She was recommending that he and his father pursue counselling with Counselor Troi when Worf interruped her to ask the computer where Alexander was, which turned out to be holodeck 4. She was about to suggest what they ought to do, but Worf told her he would handle it himself.

When Worf confronted Alexander about his disobedience, the boy claimed she was lying because she hated him. Worf did not believe a word of it. (TNG: "New Ground")

Miss Kyle was played by Jennifer Edwards.

The final draft script named her "Ms. Lowry" in "Cast"; however, in the rest of the script, she was named Ms. Kyle. [1]

The comic book Star Trek, Issue 5 (2022) gives her the first name Brenda.

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