Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Mariner and Boimler hallucinating

Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler hallucinating due to nitrous oxide inhalation

Chakotay in a chaotic space boxing ring

Chakotay hallucinating in chaotic space

A hallucination was a psychological term referring to visual, auditory, or some other combination of senses giving the brain unreal information, essentially causing a being to perceive something that was not real, and that others could not see.


The Caves of No'Mat were known to induce hallucinations in Klingons by way of heat and vapors. (TNG: "Birthright, Part I")

The tidal harmonies on Balosnee VI could cause "stimulating" hallucinations. (DS9: "The Nagus")

The psychotropic drug tropolisine caused hallucinations. (ENT: "Strange New World")

The telepathic pitcher plant, a large bioplasmic organism, lured starships into its maw by creating a neurogenic field that showed their crews hallucinations of their desires. (VOY: "Bliss")

The Native American vision quest ritual induced a hallucinogenic state. (TNG: "Journey's End"; VOY: "The Fight")

The Botha of the Delta Quadrant attacked others by inducing hallucinations through a psionic field, eventually trapping each individual's mind in a fantasy world. (VOY: "Persistence of Vision")

Under the right conditions, such as an ion storm, being in a transporter's pattern buffer could result in an intense, dream-like hallucination. (ENT: "Vanishing Point")

Denobulans considered hallucinations healthy, particularly for persons under stress, as they saw it as a harmless way to release nervous energy. (ENT: "Exile", "Doctor's Orders")

Inhalation of nitrous oxide caused hallucinations in Humans. (LD: "Room for Growth")

Schizophrenia and head trauma caused hallucinations in some cases. (PIC: "Remembrance")


In 2152, Ensign Hoshi Sato experienced a slightly extended time in a pattern buffer due to an ion storm, resulting in an elaborate hallucination involving her becoming increasingly out of phase with reality and eventually unable to interact with anything or anyone else, alien saboteurs, and a fictitious story of a similar transporter accident happening to a Cyrus Ramsey. (ENT: "Vanishing Point")

In 2259, Doctor Joseph M'Benga suspected he was hallucinating from exposure to chemical 3-QND after finding the USS Enterprise transformed into a pastiche of the Kingdom of Elysian and the crew dressed as and largely behaving like characters from the namesake novel. (SNW: "The Elysian Kingdom")

In 2267, Doctor McCoy speculated that seeing individuals who seemed to be the fictional characters Alice and the White Rabbit may have been a hallucination. When Spock later asked Captain Kirk if these and other strange sights might have been hallucinations, Kirk replied that one of the oddly appearing individuals, a former acquaintance named Finnegan, had painfully struck him on the jaw, suggesting these were not hallucinations. Thereafter, however, McCoy tried to reassure Yeoman Tonia Barrows that they were and that hallucinations were incapable of doing them any harm. As it turned out, the individuals were actually robots. (TOS: "Shore Leave")

In the final draft script of "Shore Leave", McCoy instead adamantly remarked about having seen Alice and the White Rabbit, "It was no hallucination." Also, a later scene description in the script noted that any filming method, such as slow motion, which might suggest a hallucinatory explanation to this and similar other odd sights in the episode should not be used, in favor of believability and "a logical, mechanical explanation of everything that happens to our people in this story."

In 2367, when the USS Enterprise-D was trapped in a Tyken's Rift, the crew experienced prolonged REM sleep deprivation and many suffered disturbing hallucinations as a result. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

Sevens hallucination

Hallucination experienced by Seven of Nine

In 2374, while traveling through a Mutara class nebula with dangerous radiation, Seven of Nine experienced a number of hallucinations. These included the warp drive turning green, burning crewmen, a distressed Tom Paris, and elaborate scenarios involving an alien called Trajis Lo-Tarik. (VOY: "One")

In 2369, Doctor Julian Bashir believed he was hallucinating when he saw the affectionate Jadzia Dax on his bed. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")

In 2381, Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler, travelling through the swamp created by the hydroponics bay, were exposed to an environment rich in nitrous oxide intended for a Tamarian defrin root, resulting in vivid hallucinations that left them too delirious to leave the swamp or even realize that they were in danger of suffering hypoxia. The two perceived Boimler as having a sea urchin-like head, Mariner as having drastically extended arms, and D'Vana Tendi as having become a starfish with butterfly wings; beyond this, Boimler saw illusory rabbits and attempted to navigate a nonexistent maze, and Mariner reported being able to "taste sounds" and later found herself trapped in an egg after roots fell on her. Tendi, who was also exposed to this environment but was immune to the hallucinogenic properties due to her Orion physiology, was forced to drag them out of the swamp and into breathable air. (LD: "Room for Growth")

In 2399, Dahj Asha became concerned by the fact that she was experiencing auditory hallucinations, thinking it might be caused by either schizophrenia or head trauma. (PIC: "Remembrance")

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