Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

In 2267, numerous log entries were made on the Captain's log for the USS Enterprise. (Star Trek: The Original Series)



Spock's trial[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3012.4. Despite our best efforts to disengage computers, the Enterprise is still locked on a heading for the mysterious planet Talos IV. Meanwhile, as required by Starfleet General Orderss, a preliminary hearing on Lieutenant Commander Spock is being convened… and in all the years of my service, this is the most painful moment I've ever faced."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3012.6. General court martial convened. Mr. Spock has again waived counsel and has entered a plea of guilty."
  • "Captain's log, supplemental. Mr. Spock on trial for mutiny has forced the court to accept unusual evidence. On our monitor screen, the voyage of Captain Pike and the Enterprise to the one forbidden world in all the galaxy." (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")

R&R on the Shore Leave Planet[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3025.8. Investigation of this increasingly unusual planet continues, and we are seeing things that cannot possibly exist. Yet they are undeniably real."
  • "Captain's log, supplemental. All contact with the Enterprise has been lost. We're trapped here. Our ship's surgeon, my personal friend, is dead. We're certain now that whatever we're facing is terribly real." (TOS: "Shore Leave")

Discovery of Gothos[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 2125.7. Science Officer Spock reporting for Captain Kirk. We've completed the fourteenth orbit of this planet without establishing contact with our missing officers or the parties sent to find them. Subspace communications remain blocked. However, by diverting impulse power to our sensors, we have made them operable and we have detected one small area on the surface which seems relatively stable."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 2126.1, delayed report. The whole bridge crew are the unwilling guests of the creature who calls himself Trelane. We are weaponless, powerless, and our only hope of escape with the Enterprise lies in playing his games. I've decided to make my move with the 'field-of-honor' game, and everything depends on my one chance with the ancient dueling pistol."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 2126.3. First Officer Spock reporting. Still no word from Captain Kirk on the surface below us. Waiting time is almost up. I will soon be forced to attempt departure, as per instructions." (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")

Mission to Cestus III[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3045.6. The Enterprise has responded to a call from Earth observation outpost on Cestus III. On landing, we have discovered that the outpost has been destroyed."
  • "Captain's log, supplement. We have beamed back to the Enterprise and immediately set out in pursuit of the alien vessel. It appears to be headed towards a largely unexplored section of the galaxy."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3046.2. We are in hot pursuit of the alien vessel which destroyed the Earth outpost on Cestus III."
  • "The Enterprise is dead in space, stopped cold during her pursuit of an alien raider by mysterious forces… and I have been somehow whisked off the bridge and placed on the surface of an asteroid, facing the captain of the alien ship. Weaponless, I face the creature the Metrons called a Gorn: large, reptilian. Like most Humans, I seem to have an instinctive revulsion to reptiles. I must fight to remember that this is an intelligent, highly advanced individual, the captain of a starship like myself. Undoubtedly, a dangerously clever opponent."
  • "This is Captain James Kirk of the starship Enterprise. Whoever finds this, please get it to Starfleet Command. I'm engaged in personal combat with a creature apparently called a Gorn. He's immensely strong. Already, he has withstood attacks from me that would have killed a Human being. Fortunately, though strong, he is not agile. The agility – and I hope the cleverness – is mine."
  • "The Metrons, the creatures that sent us both here, said that the surface of the planet provides the raw material… to construct weapons. There's very little here – scrub brush, rocks, an abundance of mineral deposits, but no weapons in the conventional sense. Still, I need to find one; bare-handed against the Gorn, I have no chance."
  • "A large deposit of diamonds on the surface. Perhaps the hardest substance known in the universe. Beautifully crystallized and pointed, but too small to be useful as a weapon. An incredible fortune in stones, yet I would trade them all for a hand phaser – or a good, solid club. Yet, the Metrons said there would be weapons… if I could find them. Where? What kind?"
  • "This may be my last entry. I am almost exhausted. Unless I find the weapon the Metron mentioned, I have very little time left. Native sulfur, diamonds… This place is a mineralogist's dream! Yet… there is something about sulfur… something very old. Something… if only I could remember." (TOS: "Arena")

Discovery of Lazarus[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3087.6. While investigating an uncharted planet, the Enterprise, and at least this entire quadrant of space, has been subjected to violent, unexplained stress and force. Sensors have reported the presence of a Human being on the planet below who might be connected with the phenomenon. With my first officer and a security team, I have set out in search of him."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3088.3. We continue to orbit the dead planet, which seems to be the source of the phenomenon which has struck the Enterprise, and all sections of the galaxy, once again. As for Lazarus, the story he tells me about the humanoid continues to trouble me."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3088.7. We are no closer to finding an answer to the strange phenomenon than we were at the beginning. Not only have two of my crewmen been attacked, two of our dilithium crystals are missing, and without them, the Enterprise cannot operate at full power. They must be found." (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

Resupply mission at Starbase 9[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3113.2. We were en route to Starbase 9 for resupply when a black star of high gravitational attraction began to drag us toward it. It required all warp power in reverse to pull us away from the star. But like snapping a rubber band, the breakaway sent us plunging through space, out of control, to stop here, wherever we are."
  • "Captain's log, supplemental. Engineering Officer Scott informs warp engines damaged, but can be made operational and reenergized."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3113.7. Our engines are being repaired, but we are still locked in time, and we have aboard a passenger whom we do not want, and we cannot return. Maintenance note. My recording computer has a serious malfunction. Recommend it either be corrected or scrapped."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3113.9. First Officer Spock recording. Due to an unfortunate accident, we have taken aboard another unwanted passenger."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3114.1. We must make an attempt to break free of this time, or we – and our reluctant passengers – will remain its prisoners. All we have is a theory and a few facts." (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

Mission to Beta III[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3156.2. While orbiting planet Beta III, trying to find some trace of the starship Archon that disappeared here a hundred years ago, a search party consisting of two Enterprise officers were sent to the planet below. Mr. Sulu has returned, but in a highly agitated mental state. His condition requires I beam down with an additional search detail."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3157.4. The Enterprise, still under attack by some sort of heat rays from the surface of Beta III, is now being commanded by Engineering Officer Scott. The shore party has been taken by the creature called Landru."

Mission to Eminiar VII[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3192.1. The Enterprise is en route to star cluster NGC 321. Objective, to open diplomatic relations with the civilizations known to be there. We have sent a message to Eminiar VII, principal planet of the star cluster, informing them of our friendly intentions. We are awaiting an answer."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3192.5. Now in standard orbit around planet Eminiar VII. My orders are clear. We must establish diplomatic relations at all cost. Preparing to beam down to planet surface."
  • "Captain's log, delayed. The Enterprise, in orbit around Eminiar VII, has been declared a casualty of an incredible war fought by computers. I and my landing party, though apparently not included as casualties aboard the Enterprise, are confined on the planet's surface, awaiting…what?" (TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon")

Encounter with Khan Noonien Singh[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3141.9. A full hour has elapsed since interception of the strange vessel. Our presence alongside is still being completely ignored. Although our sensors continue to show signs of equipment and life aboard, there's been no indication of danger to us."
  • "Captain's log, supplemental. Alongside the SS Botany Bay for ten hours now, a boarding party of engineering and medical specialists are now completing their examination of the mysterious vessel. Attempts to revive other sleepers await our success or failure with the casualty already beamed over. Dr. McCoy is frankly amazed at his physical and recuperative power."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3142.8. They have my ship, discarding their own worthless vessel. Only moments of air left on the bridge now. Commendations recommended for Lieutenant Uhura, Technicians First Class Thule and Harrison … Lieutenant Spinelli … and, of course, Mr. Spock. I take full responsibility … I take full…"
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3143.3. Control of the Enterprise has been regained. I wish my next decisions were no more difficult. Khan and his people – what a waste to put them in a reorientation center … and what do I do about McGivers?" (TOS: "Space Seed")

Mission to Omicron Ceti III[]

  • "Captain's Log, Stardate 3417.3. We thought our mission to Omicron Ceti III would be an unhappy one. We had expected to find no survivors of the agricultural colony there. Apparently, our information was incorrect."
  • "Captain's Log, supplemental. We have been ordered by Starfleet Command to evacuate the colony on Omicron III. However, the colony leader, Elias Sandoval, has refused all cooperation and will not listen to any arguments."
  • "Captain's Log, Stardate 3417.7. Except for myself, all crew personnel have transported to the surface of the planet. Mutinied. Lieutenant Uhura has effectively sabotaged the communications station. I can only contact the surface of the planet. The ship can be maintained in orbit for several months, but even with automatic controls, I cannot pilot her alone. In effect, I am marooned here. I'm beginning to realize just how big this ship really is, how quiet. I don't know how to get my crew back, how to counteract the effect of the spores. I don't know what I can offer against paradise."
  • "Captain's Log, supplemental. I think I've discovered the answer. But to carry out my plan entails considerable risk. Mr. Spock is much stronger than the ordinary Human being. Aroused, his great physical strength could kill. But it's a risk I'll have to take." (TOS: "This Side of Paradise")

Mission to Janus VI[]

Mission to Organia[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3198.4. We have reached Organia and established standard orbit. No signs of hostile activities in this area."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3201.7. Mr. Spock and I are trapped on the planet Organia, which is in the process of being occupied by the forces of the Klingon Empire. The Organians have provided us with native clothing in the hopes that we may be taken for Organians." (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")

Encounter with the Guardian of Forever[]

  • "Captain's log, supplemental entry. Two drops of cordrazine can save a man's life. A hundred times that amount has just accidentally been pumped into Doctor McCoy's body. In a strange, wild frenzy, he has fled the ship's bridge. All connecting decks have been placed on alert. We have no way of knowing if the madness is permanent or temporary, or in what direction it will drive McCoy."
  • "Captain's log, no stardate. For us, time does not exist. McCoy, back somewhere in the past, has effected a change in the course of time. All Earth history has been changed. There is no starship Enterprise. We have only one chance. We have asked the Guardian to show us Earth's history again. Spock and I will go back into time ourselves and attempt to set right whatever it was that McCoy changed." (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")

Mission to Deneva[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3287.2. The mass insanity we have tracked across this section of the galaxy seems to have already touched Deneva. That planet, colonized over a century ago, is one of the most beautiful in the galaxy."
  • "Captain's log, supplemental. Whatever the creatures are, they have apparently taken over all the inhabitants of Deneva. Meanwhile, ship's surgeon Dr. McCoy is examining a strange puncture wound left by one of the creatures on Mr. Spock's back."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3289.8. I am faced with one of the most difficult decision of my life. Unless we find a way to destroy the creatures without killing their Human hosts, my command responsibilities will force me to kill over a million people." (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

Cartographic mission near Pollux IV[]

Mission to Altair VI[]

Investigation of Pyris VII[]

  • "Captain's Log, stardate 3018.2. Crewman Jackson is dead and there are no apparent physical causes. Mister Scott and Mister Sulu are still out of touch on the planet below. Leaving assistant chief engineer DeSalle in command of the Enterprise, I'm beaming down to the planet's surface to find my two missing crewmen and discover what killed Jackson." (TOS: "Catspaw")

Mining agreement with Capella IV[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3498.9. Lieutenant Commander Scott in temporary command. We were forced to leave Capella to aid a Federation vessel under attack by a Klingon vessel. We were unable to contact our landing party before we were forced to answer the distress signal. Our inability to reach the landing party is strange and I am concerned."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3499.1. Before leaving the Capellan encampment, we managed to retrieve our communicators. Our phasers were not to be found. We've fled into the hills, yet we know the Capellans will eventually find us by scent alone, if necessary. And we've learned one thing more. The girl, Eleen, hates the unborn child she is carrying." (TOS: "Friday's Child")

Trouble on Argelius II[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3614.9. Planet Argelius II. While on therapeutic shore leave, Mr. Scott has fallen under suspicion of having brutally murdered an Argelian woman. The chief city administrator, a Mr. Hengist, has taken charge of the investigation, but has learned little of value."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3615.4. With Mr. Scott in a technical state of arrest, we have beamed aboard the Enterprise to continue the investigation." (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold")

Encounter with Nomad[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3541.9. The presence of Nomad aboard my ship has become nightmarish. Now, it apparently means to return to Earth. Once there, it would automatically destroy all life." (TOS: "The Changeling")

Mission to Gamma Trianguli VI[]

  • "Captain's Log, supplementary. Our investigation of Gamma Trianguli VI has suddenly turned into a nightmare. We're being watched and followed, Mr. Spock has been injured, and now we find we are unable to return to the ship."
  • "Captain's Log, stardate 3715.6. We have been introduced to Vaal. Evidently the source of the planet's power emanations and possibly the force that threatens both us and our ship." (TOS: "The Apple")

Encounter with a parallel universe[]

These log entries were recorded aboard the ISS Enterprise in the mirror universe.

  • "Captain's log, stardate unknown. During an ion storm, my landing party has beamed back to the Enterprise and found it, and the personnel aboard, changed. The ship is subtly altered, physically. Behavior and discipline has become brutal, savage."
  • "Captain's log, supplemental. I command an Enterprise where officers apparently employ private henchmen among the crew, where assassination of superiors is a common means of advancing in rank."
  • "Captain's log, stardate unknown. We are trapped in a savage parallel universe from which we must escape within four hours, or I will face a death sentence at Mr. Spock's hands." (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")

Resupply mission to Gamma Hydra IV[]

  • "Captain's log, stardate 3478.2. On a routine mission to resupply the experimental colony at Gamma Hydra IV, we discovered a most unusual phenomenon. Of the six members of the colony, none of whom were over thirty, we found four had died, and two were dying… of old age."
  • "Captain's log, stardate 3579.4. The Enterprise personnel who beamed down to the planet's surface, Doctor McCoy, Engineer Scott, Mister Spock, Lieutenant Galway, and myself are all showing definite signs of aging. Only Ensign Chekov appears to be normal." (TOS: "The Deadly Years")

External link[]
