Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Gamma Trianguli VI was the inhabited sixth planet in the Gamma Trianguli system. This system was located in the Gamma Trianguli sector of the Alpha Quadrant. This was the homeworld of the Vaalians, a pre-warp humanoid species. This was, also, the home of the pod plants. Vaal, a computer-machine with rudimentary intelligence, controlled this planet and its inhabitants for approximately ten thousand years until 2267. (TOS: "The Apple"; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram; ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II", display graphic)

The planet, described as an "Eden"-like paradise, consistently enjoyed a tropical climate of 76 °F, with only minor variation at the poles. These conditions were previously thought to be impossible, and were only made possible under the direct environmental control of Vaal, which extended deep beneath the planet's surface over the entire globe. The atmosphere was oxygen-nitrogen. The majority of the flora was very attractive. The soil was remarkably rich and fertile, excellent for husbandry. Its atmosphere filtered out all harmful radiation from its sun. Aside from the natives, no animal life was encountered by initial surveys. Vaal was obviously constructed on Gamma Trianguli VI by a species to care for the native inhabitants for some unknown purpose, although the natives had no memory or historical record of this.

The Federation had established first contact with this planet by 2259. This civilization had developed warp travel and had or was in the process of being inducted into the Federation by this year. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

Although an Eden at first glance, under Vaal's control the planet soon proved to be the opposite. When a USS Enterprise landing party beamed down on a survey mission, they were immediately assaulted by the planet's dangerous defense mechanisms. Deadly flora, artificial lightning strikes, and explosive mineral formations killed three crewmembers and injured a fourth. The initially friendly natives, at Vaal's behest, also became hostile and assaulted the landing party, killing a fourth crewmember. Vaal itself also began pulling the Enterprise out of orbit, prompting Captain James T. Kirk to take retaliatory action and destroy Vaal. After its destruction Kirk predicted a hard time for the natives, but eventually they would learn to organize their lives themselves. (TOS: "The Apple")

In 2328, this was the point of embarkation for several individuals. Zayra Cabot traveled to Tarsus IV on the SS Manoa, Eric Bruno and Douglas Drexler traveled to Gothos Space Center on the SS Kogin, Jack Litchfeld traveled to Tarsus IV on the Kogin, Daryl Baskin traveled to Gothos Space Center on the SS Wisconsin, and David Stipes and Lorine Mendell traveled to Tarsus IV on the Wisconsin. (TNG-R: "Inheritance", okudagram)

This planet's quadrant of origin is inferred based on the position of its star as seen in the star chart appearing in the Star Trek: Picard episode "Maps and Legends".

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 296 classified Gamma Trianguli VI as a class M planet with a tropical climate.



In the TOS-VOY crossover novel No Time Like the Past, Kirk and a space and temporally-displaced Seven of Nine visit this planet to find one of four pieces of an artifact. Seven is transported by the piece she already possesses to the planet's past, not long after Vaal has been put into operation.

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