Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Avryz was a Human regulator with the Emerald Chain in the late 32nd century, also identified as Regulator Theta 431.

Avryz was part of Zareh's team from the Viridian that boarded and hijacked USS Discovery in 3189. Commander Michael Burnham found him trying to pry a delta shield off a memorial wall, and fought him in the cooridors after boarding the ship from Booker's ship. She was able to knock him out and took his tricom badge in an attempt to transport elsewhere aboard the ship. Kanak later found him alive, and notified Zareh who tracked his badge to Burnham in a Jefferies tube on deck 5.

He was later on the bridge when Osyraa returned from her failed peace talks with Fleet Admiral Charles Vance, following Zareh off the bridge to track down the bridge crew. (DIS: "There Is A Tide...")

Avryz was played by Alexander Mandra. This character was only named in the source's end credits.

In "That Hope Is You, Part 2", Michael Burnham has the computer beam all regulators off Discovery, suggesting he was either beamed to the Viridian or into space.
