Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Kevin was an exocomp who was stationed at the Tyrus VIIA research station, and the father of Peanut Hamper.

In 2380, when Ensign Peanut Hamper of the USS Cerritos was asked to upload a computer virus onto an attacking Pakled vessel, she refused, saying that she only joined Starfleet "to piss off her dad, not to be a virus bomb." (LD: "No Small Parts")

Following Peanut Hamper's parole from the Daystrom Institute's Megalomaniacal AI Penitentiary in 2381, she returned to the research station, where she worked alongside her father. When she introduced him to her friend, AGIMUS, Kevin (or as he was addressed by AGIMUS, "Mr. Hamper") inquired if they were romantically involved. (LD: "A Few Badgeys More")
