Cellular & Molecular Biology

  • In an early Stanford Medicine study, CAR-T cell therapy helps some with intractable lymphoma, but those who relapse have few options. Modifying the therapy’s molecular target improved response.

  • Garcia wins 2024 Passano Award

    Garcia was recognized for his research into the way molecules bind to one another and its implications for safer and more effective treatments.

  • Drug ups production of anti-hunger molecule

    A Stanford Medicine study found that metformin, a commonly prescribed diabetes drug associated with moderate weight loss, stimulates production of lac-phe, a molecule abundant after exercise.

  • Eye fluid study may foster treatments

    Stanford Medicine researchers clock the age of cells to find new therapy targets.

  • Why young kids don’t get severe COVID

    Children’s noses pack a punch that could help explain COVID-19’s typically mild course in young kids. Researchers hope to parlay that ‘nasal magic’ into increased protections for adults.

  • Drug boosts nerve growth, muscle strength

    A drug that boosts strength in injured or aging mice restores connections between nerves and muscle and suggests ways to combat weakness in humans due to aging, injury or disease.

  • Depression after stroke

    Scientists discover a biomarker in stroke survivors, suggesting that chemical changes after stroke can lead to depression. The findings may pave the way toward treatment.

  • AI could inform brain cancer prognosis

    Stanford Medicine scientists and colleagues create an algorithm that could help physicians better understand and target complicated brain tumors.

  • Tissue mapping

    Stanford Medicine scientists describe details of the human intestine and placental tissue as part of the National Institute of Health’s Human Biomolecular Atlas Program.

  • How beneficial fats increase lifespan

    Fat from olive oil and nuts boosts the numbers of two key cellular structures and protects membranes from damage, lengthening the lives of laboratory worms, Stanford Medicine-led study finds.

  • How statins improve vascular health

    Statins designed to lower cholesterol have long been noted to work in mysterious ways to improve other aspects of cardiovascular health. A Stanford Medicine-led study uncovers how they do it.

  • Nobelists credit basic research

    A two-day event at the Stanford School of Medicine brought together investors, regulators, company executives and scientists to discuss the most productive ways for them to work together.