I was attempting to merge two tags (mercedes & mercedes-benz) and receieved the following error:

MergeTags(mercedes-benz, mercedes) encountered the following exception:

tag mercedes-benz doesn't exist in the Tags table.

System.ApplicationException: tag mercedes-benz doesn't exist in the Tags table. ---> System.ApplicationException: tag mercedes-benz doesn't exist in the Tags table.
   at StackOverflow.Models.Tag.MergeTags(String mastertag, String removetag, User user, Boolean ensuresynonym) in c:\builds\StackExchange-Network\prod\source\StackOverflow\Models\Tag.cs:line 1786
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at StackOverflow.Models.Tag.MergeTags(String mastertag, String removetag, User user, Boolean ensuresynonym) in c:\builds\StackExchange-Network\prod\source\StackOverflow\Models\Tag.cs:line 1910
   at StackOverflow.Controllers.AdminController.MergeTags(String mastertag, String removetag, Nullable`1 approve, Nullable`1 ensuresynonym) in c:\builds\StackExchange Network\prod\source\StackOverflow\Controllers\AdminController.Merge.cs:line 132

I was having to do this merge since I created the tag synonym of Master mercedes-benz <- Synonym mercedes and mercedes-benz was not an available tag while tagging a question. mercedes tag options

  • p.s. this is a moderator only function so discussing it won't be very useful to 99% of the potential audience. Commented Apr 2, 2011 at 21:51
  • 2
    @JeffAtwood where should I report moderator level bugs?
    – Patrick
    Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 0:23

1 Answer 1


Correct, you must force the tag to exist first. You can't merge into nonexistent tags.

So edit a question and add the tag, then do the merge.

  • 1
    the tag was in use when I created the tag synonym, I didn't realize I had to re-add the tag into the system.
    – Patrick
    Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 0:22

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