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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

How this site should be used; whether a given subject is on topic, etc.
63 questions
For questions regarding the definition and use of tags on the main site.
38 questions
You need help with the use of one or more of the site's features.
30 questions
17 questions
16 questions
You want to give special acknowledgement to a certain person or persons for marked achievement.
13 questions
12 questions
11 questions
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8 questions
7 questions
7 questions
7 questions
7 questions
6 questions
6 questions
6 questions
6 questions
6 questions
5 questions
5 questions
5 questions
5 questions
4 questions
3 questions
3 questions
3 questions
3 questions
Indicates that the reported behavior is intentional and not subject to change
3 questions
3 questions
3 questions