SHC PVZ Zengarden

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This it's the first mod I've created! :D

This mod add plants and other stuff based on the famous game Plants vs Zombies to minecraft!

[ Geckolib Required ]

Mod information:

For start in this mod you need to create the gardening table, give it to a villager and trade with them the new sprout with the one you will be able to obtain the different plants.

Depending on how you use Fertilizer, Bug spray, Bone Meal and Big Suns you can obtain one plant or another!

This mod has a in game guide book!


Blocks, tools & items information:

-Gardening Table:

You can use it to craft thing of the mod (The recipes are in the guide book) and villagers can use it to become crazy villagers.


RIGHT CLICK to use it on sptouts.


-Bug spray:

RIGHT CLICK to use it on sprouts and LEFT CLICK to use it on mobs.

-Gardening glove:

RIGHT CLICK in on any plant to storage them in seedpackets.


RIGHT CLICK on almos every dirt like ground or flower pots to use it,


-Big suns:

RIGHT CLICK to use it on sprouts.

-Small suns:

You can recycle plants into these doing RIGHT CLICK with a shovel on them.

Can be crafted into Big suns.

-Soldier Helmet:

Can be buyed from Wandering Traders.

You can use it for amor or to evolve repeaters.



Plant information:


Description: Can shoot 1 pea at the targets and it can be evolved into other pea plants.

Obtention: Right click green sprout 1 with big suns.


Description: Generate Big suns as long its daytime and nothing cover the sun for sunflower.

Obtention: Right click green sprout 1 with bone meal.


Description: Decorative plant that can be throwed at the enemies like a bowling ball.

Obtention: Right click green sprout 2 with bug spray.

Caution: Chomper also gonna attack animals.

-Snow Pea:

Description: Can shot peas that slow the target but it do less damage.

Obtention: Evolve from peashooter after be buried in powder snow.


Description: Bite and eats the target but it gets vulnerable while munching.

Obtention: Right click green sprout 2 with Big suns.

Caution: Chomper also gonna attack animals.


Description: Can shoot 2 pea at the targets.

Obtention: Evolve from peashooter after shoot 100 times.


Description: Decorative plant that generate a smooth light.

Obtention: Right click green sprout 2 with bug spray.


-Gatling Pea:

Description: Description: Can shoot 4 pea at the targets and have more armor.

Obtention: Give Soldier Helmet to Repeater.


Old Gardening table interface:

Test 1

Gardening table recipes:

Test 2


Q. Will you add the zombies?

A. I want but I probably gonna make a separate mod for the zombies.

Q. Can I use this on my modpack?

A.Yes, I'm more that happy if you want to use this in your modpack! :D

Q. Will you update this in the future?

A. Yes, I have some stuff planned for the development of this mod.

Modification files
pvz_zengarden-1.0.0.jarUploaded on: 05/06/2024 - 15:52   File size: 865.25 KB
pvz_zengarden-1.2.0.jarUploaded on: 05/25/2024 - 20:17   File size: 1018.47 KB
pvz_zengarden-1.3.0.jarUploaded on: 06/25/2024 - 21:01   File size: 1.06 MB

Zengarden 1.3.0 Update:


-Reworked Gardening Table interface & crafting system.
(Now the table have "Sun Charges", place Small, Big or Massive Suns to charge the table)
-Hoppers can be used to collect craftings with the gardening table.
-The Seedpackets now have a cooldown when use.
(There are 3 types of cooldown: Fast, Slow and Very Slow)
-Plant bullets are smaller.
-Plants use a different particle when having a frost evolution.
-Soldier Helmet have a new texture.
-Armorer Villagers can sell Soldier helmets.
-Minimal changes on Gatling Pea texture.
-The Zengarden Guide can be stored in Chisheled Bookshelfs.
-small reorder the Zengarden Guide Tools, Block & Items entrys.
-Wall-Nut defensive features are back in a diferent way.
(If a monster get in contact with a Nut, it will be stuck until break it, or something move them)
-Mobs no longer evade Wall-Nut blocks.
-Reduced Chomper range of view. (Before: 16, Now: 4)
-Increased chomper damage. (Before: 14, Now: 18)


-Seedpacket Cooldown gamerule (Default: True).
(Seedpackets show the cooldown even if the gamerule is set to false, this is just a visual bug)
-Massive Sun: it can be placed like a block and give 3 sun charges.
-Massive Sun Zengarden Guide page.


-The game load could be freezed when crating a new world.
-Plants counted as a Monster type, preventing Hostile creatures spawn around.
-Pea bullets was spawning too high above peashooter's mouths.
-Gatling Pea was called "Repeater" in the zengarden guide.
-Plants could start twitching randombly.
-Breaking a gardening table with a crafting ready would duplicate the items.


-Ahora el mod esta traducido al español :3 .


Zengarden 1.2.0 Update:


-Improved Chomper AI to be only 1 entity.
-Reworked wall-Nut to be a decorative block & weapon.
-Reworked the plants bullet system to make bullets able to change between each other (Frozen peas can melt into normal peas and normal peas can ignite into Fire peas).
-The plant bullets now have a 3D model.
-The plant bullets don't have knockback anymore.
-The Peashooting plants no longer shoot up and down.
-Now the plant projectiles ignore the I-Frame (Invulnerability frames).
-Peashooters now need Bigsuns to be obtained from sprouts.
-Now the plants can be placed in flower pots.
-Slightly increased all the peashooting plants damage.
-Reduced Chomper damage from 25 to 14.
-Changed Chomper size to be bigger.
-Frozen peas now do half of the damage that normal peas do.
-Plants can no longer be planted on coarse dirt.
-planterns have a new less smooth animation but now they can blink.
-Now plantern have a 3D renderer in the Zengarden Guide.
-Slightly increased all the plants damage resistance.
-Wall-Nut now have a unique item instead of a seedpacket item.
-Updated Zengarden guide information for Wanll-Nut, Peashooter and Seedpackets.
-Increased all peashooting plant range to 32 blocks (Before was 14).

-New Evolving animation.


-New Gamerule when creating the world to have the Zengarden Guide after first joined the world (Default: True).
-New armor and evolving material: Soldier Helmet.
-New plant and seedpacket: Gatling Pea.
-New ability for Wall-Nut: can be thrown like a bowling ball with RIGHT CLICK on air.
-You can use Fertilizer on plants to give them regeneration.
-New type of flower pot when a plant is placed over it.
-Wandering Traders can sell Soldier Helmets.
-1 New type of plant projectile: Fire pea Bullets.
-New animation for Chomper for swallowing a enemy.
-2 New pages in the zengarden guide.


-Plant bullets was false hitting other plants.
-Mobs could reflect the plant bullets
-The Gardening Glove didn't had durability.
-The player didn't swing their arm when using the Bug Spray on sprouts.
-The player didn't swing their arm when using the Fertilizer on sprouts.
-The player didn't swing their arm when using Big Suns on sprouts.
-All the peashooting plants AI could turn off if the player left the game in the middle of the shoothing animation.
-The player was false clicking the plants and Big Green sprouts.
-The peashooting plants ignored the armor.
-Chomper Bite animation was playing 2 times each attack.


-Chomper Munching entity.
-Original Wall-Nut entity.
-Wall-Nut Seedpacket.
-Normal Pea item (this was for testing only).
-Frozen Pea item (this was for testing only).

Your mod is really cool, how did you make the plants appear in 3D in the book?

In the same procedure that it's used to chance the page I added a return entity block for the static entity:
and then just added a entity model for checking that return block inn the gui:

with the block "Static entity instance of type "No entry selected" (No spawning)" block you can select the mob its gonna show by double clicking in it.
You can find this block in the section "advanced"

quick tip; you might want to quickly redo your pictures. you have a visible hot bar in them, and for some reason Mcreator officals don't like that. one of my mods was removed over it (i did testing) also great work with the rest of the mod. how many work hours?

a month and a half??? yeah- i would say thats about how long i've been working on my current mod. Document 17, i had a huge about that i'm almost ready to release. so k=if your interested, keep an eye out for Version 6. its going to change like the entire mod.