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Understanding projective space as fibrations of tori over spaces with boundaries

The toric manifold $\mathbb{CP}^1$ can be understood as a circle fibration over an interval $I$, with the circles having zero radius at the boundaries of the interval. How does one generalize this ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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To what extent are toric manifolds and principal torus bundles "the same thing"?

I am a little confused by the different definitions for toric manifolds/varieties. Depending on the definition of toric manifolds and principal torus bundles that one chooses, when is a toric manifold ...
harry's user avatar
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What is the symplectic manifold whose Delzant polytope is a trapezoid?

What is the symplectic form on the manifold whose associated Delzant polytope is a trapezoid? I am trying to find it by using the Marsden–Weinstein theorem, but I have been unable to do so. If ...
野本統一's user avatar
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Geodesic rays in a toric variety

Let $\{\alpha_0, \ldots, \alpha_r\} \subset \mathbb{Z}^n$ be a finite subset of lattice points and let $\Phi: (\mathbb{C}^*)^n \to \mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^r$ be the corresponding map from the algebraic ...
Kiu's user avatar
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Moment map coordinates in tours action

I am trying to understand the proof of lemma 3.1, in this paper In proof, they say that $g(dz_i,d\tau_k)=dz_i(\nabla\tau_k)=0$ I don't understand first and second equality.In second they say, $g(dz_i,...
Alon's user avatar
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Kahler-Einstein metrics on Toric manifolds are Torus-invariant?

let $(M,\omega)$ be a Kahler-Einstein toric manifold of complex dimension $m$. By toric manifold i mean a manifold that has an open dense subset $X$ biholomorphic to an algebraic torus $\mathbb{T}^{m}...
Italo's user avatar
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Legal potentials on delzant polytopes

Let $P \subset \mathbb R^n$ be a Delzant polytope defined by inequalities $\ell_i(x) \geq 0, i=1, \ldots, d$. Of course, from the symplectic point of view, the inequalities $a_i \ell_i \geq 0$ still ...
David P's user avatar
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Toric Fano Kahler manifolds and Delzant polytopes

Let $P$ be a Delzant polytope in $\mathbb R^n$, given by a set of inequalities $\ell_i(x) > 0$ where $\ell_i(x) = \sum_k \mu_k^i x_k - \lambda_i$. In his paper ...
David P's user avatar
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Is there an extremal metric on toric Fano manifolds which have nonzero Futaki invariant?

According the work by Wang & Zhu, on toric Fano manifolds there exist Kaehler-Ricci solitons. If Futaki=0, there also exist CSCK metrics. But if the Futaki invariant does not vanish, what about ...
Yi Yao's user avatar
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"Step-by-Step" toric resolution process?

WLOG the fan $\Sigma$ of our toric variety $X_{\Sigma}$ is simplicial. (So $X_{\Sigma}$ has at worst orbifold singularities and all cones $\sigma \in \Sigma$ are simplicial). The classical toric ...
Spinorbundle's user avatar
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Smooth projective toric varieties which are quotients of product of spheres and torii by a free torus action?

My question is just as in the box. Is every smooth projective toric variety diffeomorphic to a quotient of $\prod_i S^{n_i} \times T^k$ (I know torus is a one-sphere but I just wanted to make clear I ...
Eleanor Von Hohlandsbourg's user avatar
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Deformations of Hirzebruch surfaces and toric action

Hi, the Hirzebruch surface $F_n$ admits a deformation for $0\leq m\leq n$ defined by the equation $$ \mathcal{M}=\{ ([x_0:x_1],[y_0:y_1:y_2],t) \in \mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^2 \times \mathbb{C}...
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