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Questions tagged [enriched-category-theory]

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10 votes
1 answer

Structural properties of $\mathcal{V}$-$\mathsf{Cat}$

In this question $(\mathcal{V}, \otimes, e)$ is a (bi)complete symmetric monoidal category. We have an adjunction $$\mathscr{l}: \mathsf{Cat} \leftrightarrows \mathcal{V}\text{-}\mathsf{Cat} :(-)_0,$$ ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Relation between Ind-completion and "additive"-ind-completion

Suppose that $\mathcal{C}$ is a skeletally small additive category. To enlarge $\mathcal{C}$ and produce a bigger category whose "small" objects can be identified with those in $\mathcal{C}$,...
3 A's's user avatar
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Density with respect to a family of diagrams, versus a class of weights

In Theorem 5.19 of Kelly's Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory, it is proven that a fully faithful functor $K \colon \mathcal A \to \mathcal C$ is dense if and only if $\mathcal C$ is the ...
varkor's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Yoneda Lemma for monoidal functors

Let $(\mathcal V,\otimes,I)$ be a closed symmetric monoidal category, and let $\mathcal C$ be a $\mathcal V$-enriched category. The (weak) enriched Yoneda Lemma gives us a nice description of the set $...
Alexander Betts's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Examples of (co)ends

I am reading texts about (co)ends, and everywhere I see a lack of examples. I am not an expert in this area, and without examples it is difficult for me to use my intuition to grasp the idea. MacLane ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Explicit description of a pullback of $(2,1)$-categories

In the 1-category of 2-categories, with objects being categories enriched over Cat, and morphisms being 2-functors, is there an explicit way to describe a pullback of two functors $G:E\to D$ and $F:C\...
EBP's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there a nice way to define discrete enriched categories?

In the setting of classical category theory, one defines the discrete category associated to a set $X$ as the category $X_\mathsf{disc}$ having the elements of $X$ as its objects and only identities ...
Emily's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to compute Homotopy Pullback

What on Earth is a homotopy pullback of $$A \rightarrow B \leftarrow C \ \ \ \ \ ???$$ Here $A,B,C$ are elements of a category ${\mathcal V}$ enriched in topological spaces (any convenient category ...
Bugs Bunny's user avatar
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1 vote
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Reference request: a class of matrices leading to interesting metric geometry

For $0 \le A \in GL(n,\mathbb{R})$, let $Aw = \Delta(A)$, where $\Delta$ denotes the map taking a matrix to a vector of its diagonal entries and/or forming a diagonal matrix from a vector, according ...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Relationship between enriched, internal, and fibered categories

In this question, let $(\mathcal{V}, \otimes, [-,-], e)$ be a nice enough symmetric monoidal closed bicomplete category. The usual set-based Category theory has been generalized in many directions, ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

"Lie theory" for anchored bundles and reflexive graphs

Perhaps Lie theory is not the correct term, but I'm thinking of the intermediate result in the Lie groupoid to Lie algebroid correspondence. Given a Lie groupoid $G$ over $M$, we may construct the Lie ...
Ben MacAdam's user avatar
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1 vote
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Degree shift of multilinear maps

Let $V$ be a graded vector space over $\mathbb{k}$ and $V[1]$ its odd degree shift. Given $k$, $l\in \mathbb{N}_0$, is there a natural way to define the following map, $$ \psi: \hom_{\mathbb{k}}(V^{\...
Pavel's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Enrichment as extra structure on a category

We will suppose, for the sake of simplicity, that everything is happening within a fixed 'metacategory' $\textbf{SET}$ of sets and functions. So, from now on, a 'category' just means a category object ...
Fawzi's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Morphisms of $\infty$-groupoids

As far as I understand, there are several ways of defining $\infty$-categories. One of them is to think of $\infty$-cateogries as $top$-enriched categories. Hence we can think of $\infty$-groupoids as ...
curious math guy's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Theory of weak enrichment in higher categories

Has there been work towards a general theory of weak enrichment in higher categories? To be more pointed, has there been any work towards trying to make sense of statements such as There is a (weak) $...
Zach Goldthorpe's user avatar

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