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Negative definite of exceptional curve in higher dimension

One direction of the Grauert's contractibility theorem shows Let $f:S\rightarrow T$ be a surjective holomophic map where $S$ is a compact holomorphic surface. If $C$ is a reduced connected effective ...
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Seeking for bridges to connect K-stability and GIT-stability

We consider the variety $\Sigma_{m}$ := {($p$, $X$) : $X$ is a degree $n$ + 1 hypersurface over $\mathbb{C}$ with mult$_{p}(X) \geq m$} $\subseteq$ $\mathbb{P}$$^{n}$ $\times$ $\mathbb{P}$$^{N}$, ...
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Birational deformations of holomorphic symplectic manifolds

Let $X$ and $X'$ be birational holomorphic symplectic manifolds. Then the birational morphism between them identifies $H^2(X)$ with $H^2(Y)$. The period space of $X$ is defined to be a subset of $\...
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Nonequidimensional birational Mori contractions

I have been looking for an excplicit example of a birational, divisorial Mori contraction such that the exceptional locus is not equidimensional onto its image. To agree with the setup I like, the ...
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Proofs for if $\widetilde X\rightarrow X$ is a modification & $\widetilde X$ is a $\partial\bar{\partial}$-manifold, then so is $X$

A celebrated result due to Deligne--Griffiths--Morgan--Sullivan (see Theorem 5.22 in Real Homotopy Theory of Kaehler Manifolds) says that: Consider a proper modification $f:\widetilde M\rightarrow M$ ...
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Explicit functor from Kuznetsov component to derived category of K3 for rational cubic fourfolds

Let $X \subset \mathbb{P}^5$ be a Pfaffian cubic fourfold (or one of the other known rational cubic fourfolds). It is known by Kuznetsov's Homological Projective Duality that $\mathcal{K}u(X) \simeq D^...
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Alterations and smooth complete intersections

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field, and $X$ a projective variety over $k$. Let $i : X\subset \mathbf{P}^d_k$ be a closed immersion into a projective space of high enough dimension. Is there a ...
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Inclusion of (pulling back of) dualizing sheaves under normalization

I am reading O. Fujino's book Iitaka Conjecture. In page 42, Lemma 3.1.19 he restated one result due to Viehweg to use the base change arguments. There exists some details in the proof of Step 2 in ...
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Does nefness in analytic setting depend on Hermitian metric?

I'm reading Demailly's book 'Analytic Methods in Algebraic Geometry'. Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold with a Hermitian metric. A line bundle $L$ is said to be nef if for every $\epsilon>0$, ...
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Do we have a simple proof for this criterion for basepoint freeness?

The following is a criterion by Fujita (On the structure of polarized varieties with $\Delta$-genera zero). Consider a complex smooth projective variety $X$ of dimension $n$ and an ample divisor $H$, ...
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Determine the coefficient of the exceptional divisor

Consider the following setting: suppose that $X$ is a smooth variety and let $f:X\rightarrow \Delta$ be a smooth morphism outside the origin $0$. Let the central fiber $X_0$ be a reduced (Cartier) ...
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Current progress on rationality problem for complex hypersurfaces

How is the current progress on rationality problem for complex hypersurfaces $X\subset\mathbb{P}^{n+1}$ with $n\geq 3$? There are many hypersurfaces are shown to be unrational, such as smooth cubic ...
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Every locally free sheaf is Cohen-Macaulay on complex variety with at canonical singualities?

Suppose $X$ is a normal complex space with at most singularities, can we say any locally free sheaf on it is Cohen-Macauly? Recall that a coherent sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ over $X$ is called (maximal) ...
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In complex analytic category, is the pluricanonical sheaf Cohen--Macaulay?

We adopt the following definition of canonical singularities in complex analytic category. Let $X$ be a normal complex space of dimension $n$, and let $j:X_{\text{reg}}\rightarrow X$ be the open ...
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Two morphisms possess the same Viehweg's variation

Recall the definition of Viehweg's variation intimated from Weak Positivity and the Additivity of the Kodaira Dimension for Certain Fibre Spaces, E. Viehweg Let $f: V\rightarrow W$ be a fiber space (...
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