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Hyperplane section argument on Kähler manifold

On a projective variety, there exist very ample line bundles and hyperplane sections. It is a useful trick to take a general hyperplane section to reduce a problem to a lower dimension. However, on ...
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Negative definite of exceptional curve in higher dimension

One direction of the Grauert's contractibility theorem shows Let $f:S\rightarrow T$ be a surjective holomophic map where $S$ is a compact holomorphic surface. If $C$ is a reduced connected effective ...
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Enriques-Kodaira classification of minimal resolution of surface with quotient singularities

Let $X$ be a normal projective complex surface with at worst quotient singularities. Let $\bar{X}\to X$ be the minimal resolution. Further assume that $b_2(X)=1$ and $b_1(X)=b_3(X)=0$. Since quotient ...
blancket's user avatar
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$H^2(X,T_X)=0$ implies the Frölicher spectral sequence degenerates at $E_1$?

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold, if $X$ satisfies $H^2(X,T_X)=0$, then it is well-known that the Kuranishi space of $X$ is smooth by Kodaira and Spencer's deformation theory. On the other hand, ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to "eliminate" the log pole of a logarithmic $(p,q)$-form?

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold, and $D=\sum_{i=1}^{r} D_i$ be a simple normal crossing divisor on $X$. Let $\alpha$ be a logarithmic $(p,q)$-form, namely, on an open subset $U$, we can write $$\...
Invariance's user avatar
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Seeking for bridges to connect K-stability and GIT-stability

We consider the variety $\Sigma_{m}$ := {($p$, $X$) : $X$ is a degree $n$ + 1 hypersurface over $\mathbb{C}$ with mult$_{p}(X) \geq m$} $\subseteq$ $\mathbb{P}$$^{n}$ $\times$ $\mathbb{P}$$^{N}$, ...
RedLH's user avatar
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Birational deformations of holomorphic symplectic manifolds

Let $X$ and $X'$ be birational holomorphic symplectic manifolds. Then the birational morphism between them identifies $H^2(X)$ with $H^2(Y)$. The period space of $X$ is defined to be a subset of $\...
fgh's user avatar
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Does the Poincaré lemma (Dolbeault–Grothendieck lemma) still hold on singular complex space?

Let $X$ be a complex manifold, then we have the Poincaré lemma (or say, Dolbeault-Grothendieck lemma) (locally) on $X$, whose formulation is as follows: ( $\bar{\partial}$-Poincaré lemma) If $\...
Lelong  Wang's user avatar
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Is there Riemann-Roch without denominators for complex manifolds?

Let $X \subset Y$ be an inclusion of compact complex (possibly Kähler) manifolds. I'm wondering if "Riemann-Roch without Denominators" [1, Thm 15.3] holds in that situation. The statement is ...
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Example of closed non-exact torsion differential form on variety

I asked this question some time ago on MSE and received close to no interest. I feel it is appropriate for this site: I am interested in finding a particular example. I would like to find a variety (...
Thomas Kurbach's user avatar
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Chern classes and rational equivalence

Let $X$ be a complex variety and let $l_1$ and $l_2$ be line bundles on $X$. Let $f_1$ and $f_2$ be sections of $l_1$ and $l_2$ respectively, and let $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ be their zero-sets. I would like ...
Ron Z.'s user avatar
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Is the associated G/B fibration to a G-torsor projective?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$, $G$ a reductive group, and $P \to X$ a $G$-torsor. Let $B \subset G$ be a Borel subgroup. Is the associated $G/B$ fibre bundle $$ Y=G/B \...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
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Hodge numbers of a complement

Let $Y\subset X$ be an analytic subvariety of codimension $d$ of a smooth compact complex variety $X$. Denote $U = X\setminus Y$. The relative cohomology exact sequence implies that $$ H^i(X) \to H^i(...
cll's user avatar
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Gabriel's theorem for complex analytic spaces

Let $X,Y$ be noetherian schemes over $\mathbb{C}$. Then, it is known that $$ \text{Coh}(X) \simeq \text{Coh}(Y) \Rightarrow X \simeq Y, $$ by P. Gabriel(1962). Are there some results in the case of ...
Walterfield's user avatar
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Understanding the Hodge filtration

Let $X$ be a smooth quasiprojective scheme defined over $\mathbb{C}$, and let $\Omega^{\bullet}_X$ denote its cotangent complex, explicitly, we have: $\Omega^{\bullet}_X:=\mathcal{O}_X\longrightarrow \...
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