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Has anyone studied the derived category of Higgs sheaves?

Let $X$ be a complex manifold and $\Omega^1_X$ be the sheaf of holomorphic $1$-forms on $X$. A Higgs bundle on $X$ is a holomorphic vector bundle $E$ together with a morphism of $\mathcal{O}_X$-...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Explicit functor from Kuznetsov component to derived category of K3 for rational cubic fourfolds

Let $X \subset \mathbb{P}^5$ be a Pfaffian cubic fourfold (or one of the other known rational cubic fourfolds). It is known by Kuznetsov's Homological Projective Duality that $\mathcal{K}u(X) \simeq D^...
mathphys's user avatar
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Beilinson's theorem for fixed stratifications

Beilinson's theorem states that for a variety $X$ and a field $k$ the realization functor $$\text{real}: D^b\text{Perv}(X,k)\to D_c^b(X,k)$$ is an equivalence of categories. If we only consider ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
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Fourier-Mukai functors and autoequivalence groups of $G$-equivariant derived categories

I have a few questions about $G$-equivariant derived categories. For my question, I'm assuming $G$ is cyclic. Also, in my case $G$ does not act on $X$, only on $D^b(X)$. Q1: Orlov's Representability ...
mathphys's user avatar
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Fourier-Mukai kernels for Fano threefolds

Let $Y_1$ and $Y_1'$ be index two degree one Fano threefolds. Suppose we have a Fourier-Mukai equivalence $\Phi_P : \mathrm{D}^b(Y_1) \to \mathrm{D}^b(Y_1')$. Can anything be said about the kernel $P$,...
mathphys's user avatar
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Projectivization in the derived category of coherent sheaves

Let $X$ be a compact Kahler manifold. There exists a notion of projectivization of holomorphic vector bundles and coherent sheaves over $X$. Does that concept extend to objects in the derived category ...
BinAcker's user avatar
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Inducing an equivalence of $G$-equivariant categories

Suppose we have an equivalence of triangulated categories $\Phi : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$. Let $G$ be a finite group. Are there any methods/conditions for specifying when one has an induced ...
mathphys's user avatar
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Do we have $D^b_{coh}(X)\simeq D^b(coh(X))$ for a compact complex manifold $X$?

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold and $\mathcal{O}_X$ be the structure sheaf of holomorphic functions. We call a sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$-module $\mathcal{F}$ coherent if it satisfies the ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Sheaf-type property for Derived Categories?

Suppose $X$ is a finite dimensional complex space (I'm happy to restrict to $X$ being a scheme of finite type over $\mathbb C$ as well). I'm wondering if the following sheaf-like properties hold for ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
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Smoothness of a projective variety via the derived category

Let $X$ be a smooth projective integral variety over an algebraically closed field $k$. Let $Y$ be a (not necessarily smooth) projective integral variety over $k$. Assume that $D^b(X) \cong D^b(Y)$. ...
Marco's user avatar
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Derived category of product of complex manifolds

Let $X$ and $Y$ be a compact complex manifold. Is it possible to describe the derived category $D^b(X\times Y)$ of coherent sheaves in terms of $D^b(X)$ and $D^b(Y)$? I am particularly interested in ...
TomS's user avatar
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What is the relation between the Lie bracket on $TX$ as commutator and that coming from the Atiyah class?

Let X be a complex manifold and $TX$ its tangent bundle. The Atiyah class $\alpha(E)\in \text{Ext}^1(E\otimes TX, E)$ for a vector bundle $E$ is defined to be the obstruction to the global existence ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Equivalence of derived categories which is not Fourier-Mukai

D. Orlov proved that any equivalence of bounded derived categories F:Db(X) -> Db(Y) is a Fourier-Mukai transform, when X and Y are smooth projective varieties. Is there any example of such equivalence,...
Andrei Halanay's user avatar