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7 votes
2 answers

What is the geometric meaning of reconstruction of quantum group via Ringel Hall algebra

If I remembered correctly. There are some work done by C.M.Ringel,he defined so called Ringel-Hall algebra on abelian category and then show that Ringel-hall algebra is isomorphic to positive part of ...
Shizhuo Zhang's user avatar
39 votes
9 answers

What is a deformation of a category?

I have several naive and possibly stupid questions about deformations of categories. I hope that someone can at least point me to some appropriate references. What is a deformation of a (linear, dg, ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Singular K3 -- mathematical meaning?

There's a very interesting text by Cumrun Vafa called Geometric Physics. Here I'm particularly interested in Chapter 4, where we take a Calabi-Yau manifold presented as a degenerating fibration: ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Understanding a lemma in "Loop Spaces and Langlands Parameters" article

First, some background. I was trying to read the article Loop Spaces and Langlands Parameters but I get immediately stuck at Theorem 2.1 in the introduction. This was actually forward-referring to ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

When do six operations work?

This question comes (heavily edited) from my notes, thus slightly unusual structure. We know that algebraic maps have very strict structure, and in many settings the operations ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Derived functors vs universal delta functors

I would like to understand the relationship between the derived category definition of a right derived functor $Rf$ (which involves an initial natural transformation $n: Qf \rightarrow (Rf)Q$, where $...
Andrew Critch's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Equivalence of derived categories which is not Fourier-Mukai

D. Orlov proved that any equivalence of bounded derived categories F:Db(X) -> Db(Y) is a Fourier-Mukai transform, when X and Y are smooth projective varieties. Is there any example of such equivalence,...
Andrei Halanay's user avatar
63 votes
5 answers

Intuition about the cotangent complex?

Does anyone have an answer to the question "What does the cotangent complex measure?" Algebraic intuitions (like "homology measures how far a sequence is from being exact") are as welcome as ...
Peter Arndt's user avatar
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52 votes
7 answers

What does a projective resolution mean geometrically?

For R a commutative ring and M an R-module, we can always find a projective resolution of M which replaces M by a sequence of projective R-modules. But as R is commutative, we can consider the affine ...
Justin DeVries's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Examples for Decomposition Theorem

There's an important piece of geometric knowledge usually quoted as Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne. Here's a refresher: by $IC$ one means the intersection complex, which is just $\mathbb Q$ for a smooth ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Higher vanishing cycles

The generalisation of the vanishing cycle formalism in SGA 7 is apparently since the 1970's an issue, Morava mentioned a connection with Bousfield localization. I find the Morava's remarks un-...
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
  • 10.8k
5 votes
4 answers

$E_\infty$ spectrum corresponding to $\Bbb Z_p$

First of the questions about derived algebraic geometry from a noobie. The way I understand it, every discrete ring $R$ corresponds to some ring spectrum whose $\pi_0$ is $R$. Now consider $p$-adic ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar

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