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emacs drives me nuts
  • Member for 4 years, 5 months
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34 votes

Why can't two circles intersect at more than 2 points?

23 votes

Why does this desmos plot of the integral of $\sqrt{1+e^x}$ have these discontinuities?

22 votes

Does Newton's method converge for all polynomials?

16 votes

How to check if a sphere passes through another sphere when both travels in a straight line through 3d space

11 votes

Will $h(x)=\frac{ax+b}{cx+d}$, where $c\neq0$, always satisfy $h(h\cdots(h(x))\cdots)=x$ in a finite number of iterations?

8 votes

Sum of 3 vectors is $\vec 0$

8 votes

How is it truly determined the digits after the decimal don’t EVER repeat? (Is irrational.) Theoretically, the first million digits could repeat.

7 votes

On expressing $\frac{\pi^n}{4\cdot 3^{n-1}}$ as a continued fraction.

7 votes

Most efficient way to calculate logarithm numerically?

7 votes

Calculus: Difference between functions and "equations" from a theoretical perspective

7 votes

A more elegant way to visualize the curve traced out by a vector function?

7 votes

Why does a function need a fixed number of arguments?

6 votes

Find an alternating series such that its limit does not exist

6 votes

Deform the boundary of the Möbius band in the proper way

6 votes

Non-diagonal n-th roots of the identity matrix

6 votes

Why is it impossible to have a Taylor series for |x|?

6 votes

What are some other other examples similar to completing the square where a derived value is added and taken away again to create a useful form?

6 votes

On conjectured continued fractions and $e$

6 votes

How to construct a closed form formula for a recursive sequence?

5 votes

Are there any large numbers found that seemed eerily close to disproving Goldbach's conjecture?

5 votes

How to solve $x^y = ax-b$

5 votes

Does $\exp(f(x)) = e^{f(x)}$?

4 votes

Where is my mistake in evaluating $\lim_{x \to -\infty} \frac{\sqrt{x^2+4}}{x}$?

4 votes

Real-world set theory/combinatorics problem

4 votes

How to read m $\bot$ n in totient function?

4 votes

Angle of rotation between two points on cylindrical helix

4 votes

Why can't I take the squareroot of this complex equation?

4 votes

Name of these Sierpinski-like fractals?

4 votes

Does $\int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{e^{-2x}}{ x^2 + 1} \,dx $ converge?

4 votes

Find expression for following summation

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