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Umberto P.'s user avatar
Umberto P.
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
56 votes

Does L'Hôpital's work the other way?

38 votes

If a compact set is covered by a finite union of open balls of same radii, can we always get a lesser radius?

36 votes

Trouble understanding only one way implication truth

28 votes

Is $\int_{\sin x}^{\cos x}x\, dx$ not a well-defined integral?

28 votes

Sum of reciprocal of primes

27 votes

Unique weak solution to the biharmonic equation

22 votes

Evaluate $\lim_{x\to 0} \frac{a^x -1}{x}$ without applying L'Hopital's Rule.

20 votes

About absolute continuity $\Rightarrow$ null set maps to null set

18 votes

For every $\epsilon>0$ there exists $\delta>0$ such that $\int_A|f(x)|\mu(dx) < \epsilon$ whenever $\mu(A) < \delta$

18 votes

Image of open set is not open?

18 votes

If $x \in\mathbb{Z}$ has the property that for all $m \in\mathbb Z$, $mx = m$, then $x = 1$

16 votes

How to explain the formula for the sum of a geometric series without calculus?

16 votes

The proof of Morrey's Inequality in Evans Book

15 votes

Product of logarithms, prove this identity.

15 votes

Prove that $371\cdots 1$ is not prime

15 votes

Prove this limit without using these techniques, and for beginner students: $\lim_{x\to0} \frac{e^x-1-x}{x^2}=\frac12$

14 votes

Why can we interchange summations?

14 votes

Mistake in integration by parts

14 votes

Does $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{\log(e^{n}+e^{-n})}$ converge or diverge?

13 votes

Is a constant as a function continuously differentiable?

13 votes

Poisson's equation with Robin boundary conditions

13 votes

Blackwell's condition for a contraction: Why is boundedness neccessary?

13 votes

prove that integral over set of small measure is small

12 votes

factor the following expression $25x^2 +5xy -6y^2$

12 votes

An example of non-closed subspace of a Hilbert space?

12 votes

Is $e^z + \overline{z}^2$ holomorphic?

11 votes

A basis of a subspace is subset of a basis of the whole space

11 votes

Why $2x$? Can't it be $x$?

11 votes

Limit of this recursive sequence and convergence

11 votes

Find a space whose dual does not separate points

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