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Henry's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
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hypothesis testing and CI

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find the variance of the MLE of $\tau(\lambda)=1/\lambda, X_1,...,X_n \sim_{\text{iid}} \operatorname{Pois}(\lambda)$

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Distribution of relative error.

0 votes

How to solve conditional probability for 3 events when one event is not indepedent

0 votes

Find the probability that one card is king and the other is heart.

0 votes

Calculate residual standard deviation from standard deviation and confidence intervals

0 votes

How to find the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE)?

0 votes

There were $107$ people at the wedding and $11$ tables, which could accommodate $10$ people each.

0 votes

Probability of interval around normally distributed variable containing the mean

0 votes

Standard Normal Distribution Question related to Finance

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How to find the highest sums from several groups of numbers

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Probabilities - spam filter

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How does truncating a series affect "upstream" values in the series?

0 votes

Confusion about different confidence interval calculated

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How to solve this probability problem using Binomial coefficient?

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From 1 to 100 select 26 distinct numbers: pigeonhole principle

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Conditional probability of triple joint density

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Upper bound for Poisson distribution

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Is $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \sin(n) \cdot (x_n - x_{n+1})$ defined?

0 votes

Problem with system of equations (a;b;c)

0 votes

$3\times3$ grid filled in randomly; probability of a $2\times2$ grid filled with one element

0 votes

If $gcd(a,b)=d$ and $a^2+b^2=c^2$, show that $gcd(a,c)=gcd(b,c)=d$.

0 votes

Expected time in half-line for random walk

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Matrix analysis , inequalities , diagonal entries

0 votes

The expectation of restriced sampling.

0 votes

Validating Probability Theory analysis about average place in a group

0 votes

Ask if the locust can jump to any integer point on the plane after a finite number of hops if: $1) N = 20 $ $2) N = 2017 $

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Unsure about log rule proof, can it be done without using the precondition?

0 votes

Probability of $0\leq X\leq Y$ for two standard Gaussian random variables random variables

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How can I use Joint Distribution Function to Find the Probability for 2 random variables in a certain interval?