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Questions tagged [confidence-interval]

In statistics, a confidence interval (CI) is a type of interval estimate (of a population parameter) that is computed from the observed data.

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A little help with confidence interval estimation (for poker database analysis)

I'm a poker player, and I do a lot of database study to understand the frequencies of different profiles of players, to figure out how often they're bluffing and folding in different situations. I'll ...
MD Arshaq's user avatar
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Inequality between length of confidence intervals

For given statistical model $(\mathcal{X},\mathcal{B},\mathcal{P})$, where $\mathcal{P}=\{B(1,\theta)^{\otimes n}:\theta\in (0,1)=\Theta \}$, $B(1,\theta)$ is a Bernoulli-trial with success ...
tychonovs-scholar's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the (fully rigorous) definition of a confidence interval?

In a nutshell: what is the (fully rigorous) definition of a confidence interval? In page $92$ of Wasserman's All of Statistics, it is written that A $1 − α$ confidence interval for a parameter $θ$ ...
Sam's user avatar
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Confidence interval for difference between means

I have the following information about data: $$\sum_{i=1}^{12}x_i=2114; \;\sum_{i=1}^{12}y_i=2144;\;\sum_{i=1}^{12}x_i^2=373160;\;\sum_{i=1}^{12}y_i^2=383666$$ And I want to calculate the confidence ...
J P's user avatar
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Finding α-Quantiles of χ2 Distribution for Variance Estimation

I posted this same question yesterday but it got closed because i hadn't met the guidlines for questions, my apologies guys, so i'm going to re-write it better this time. Exercise 17. Let $X_1, \ldots,...
mathmath's user avatar
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Confidence Interval for Regression Values

From this article, I understand the idea behind the Confidence Interval for the Individual Response. However I don't understand the part on ...
joelleoqiyi's user avatar
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Calculating confidence interval while fitting multiple datasets simultaneously.

I am dealing with six experimental datasets of two species interaction and I want to fit these six datasets to a coupled ode system simultaneously to get a set of estimated parameters and ...
sajan's user avatar
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Likelihood ratio test of Poisson distribution

I'm given this problem: Let $X_1,...X_{100}$ be a random sample from a Poisson distribution with mean $\lambda$. Consider testing the hypothesis $H_0$: $\lambda=1$ vs $H_1$: $\lambda<1$. Consider ...
lcthaha's user avatar
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Confidence Interval for Expected Value of Binomial Distribution

been trying to wrap my head around this for a while. What is the confidence interval for the expected value for a binomial distribution? Let's say for a sample, I throw a coin 7 times and only 1 is ...
joelleoqiyi's user avatar
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Missing N in confidence interval for binomial distribution

I am studying on confidence interval for binomial distribution recently. I know general formula for confidence interval is $$ z1⋅\frac{σ}{\sqrt{n}} $$ if I substitute the formula for variance for ...
joelleoqiyi's user avatar
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Confidence Interval of Continuous Statistic Model

Let $(\mathcal{X}\subseteq \mathbb{R}^d, \mathcal{F}=\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^d)\vert_{\mathcal{X}},\{P_{\vartheta}|\vartheta \in \Theta\})$ be a continuous statistic model, $\rho:\mathcal{X}\times \...
Lu1998's user avatar
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Confidence interval for parameter of normal distribution $X_i\sim N(\theta,\theta^2)$ with equal mean and standard deviation

A sample $X_1,\dots,X_n$ is drawn from the normal distribution $N(\theta,\theta^2)$. I am asked to find a $90\%$ confidence interval for the population mean $\theta$. Let $X_i\sim N(\theta,\theta^2)$ ...
Tutusaus's user avatar
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Poisson distribution coverage probability for confidence interval.

I have been trying to solve this problem 9.24 of Statitical inference by Casella and Berger. I was able to understand in the theory that confidence interval for Poisson distribution is based on chi-...
Mohit Sharma's user avatar
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RMS/quadratic mean and confidence interval

After searching on the web without success, I'm asking for help here. I wasn't taught statistics, and I get lost in a lot of formulas that I often find hard to understand. I'm also not used to posting ...
PVJL's user avatar
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Confidence interval 100 coin tosses, 52 heads?

I am really confused about the confidence interval for n=100 tosses and k=52 heads. If I estimate the probability $\hat{p}$: $\hat{p} = \frac{52}{100} = 0.52$ $Var(\hat{p}) = pq = 0.52 * 0.48 = 0.2496$...
DamianoDantuono's user avatar

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