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Jfischer's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

How can tempered distributions be identified with functions?

2 votes

There are $n$ persons present at a meeting. Every two persons are either friends of each other or strangers to each other. BMO round $2$ , $1972$

2 votes

Find probability of certain number of cards being dealt from remaining cards

2 votes

Expected Value of randomVariable

2 votes

Connection between distribution and characteristic function.

2 votes

Convergence of alternating series with non decreasing terms

2 votes

Does the variance have linearity property??

1 vote

What is the probability that a person is the second person to roll a 6 for the first time?

1 vote

Cauchy problem for a class of ODEs

1 vote

Are these independent events? How do I find P(B)?

1 vote

How to find this complex logarithm value without using a calculator?

1 vote

How to draw the graph from a periodic function

1 vote

Probability of observing 3 consecutive heads on tosses of a fair or biased coin.

1 vote

Continuous Time Markov Chain and its Stationary Distribution

1 vote

Proving that the sum of two continuous function is also continuous

1 vote

Conditional Probability for an Infinite Sum series (modified Craps game)

1 vote

Determining if the limit distribution exists from a transition matrix

1 vote

Probability question - Assume non-exponential and use discrete numbers

1 vote

How to prove that $P(A \cap B) \ge 0$ given that $A\subseteq\Omega$ and $B\subseteq\Omega$

1 vote

Poisson Process, Probability of Rolling 2 die and getting a 7

1 vote

Let $\{x_n\}_{n\ge1}$ be a sequence of positive real number and if $\{x^2_n\}_{n\ge1}$ is convergent, then is $\{x_n\}_{n\ge1}$ is convergent?

1 vote

Closed-form to this Combinatory problem

1 vote

explicit formula for $x_n$ in terms of $x_0$, and $a_k$ given recursive formula

1 vote

Reference request: Queueing and reliability theory from a stochastic point of view

1 vote

Planar graphs and isomorphism

0 votes

complex zeros of difference of $n$th powers of affine polynomials

0 votes

Number of non-retractable boundary loops on the torus

0 votes

Upper bound for $\sum_{j=0}^k \alpha^j(\beta j)^{k-j}$

0 votes

Divergence proof for $\frac{2^{\sqrt{n}}}{n^3}$ as $n\to\infty$

0 votes

Notation for random variables—differentiating between X and x