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Steven Creech
  • Member for 5 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
Probability of Shuffling a Deck of Cards a Single Time from New Deck Order
Perhaps, if someone could help me visualize $2^{52}$. Like how big is this number if we shuffle a single deck, should we expect this to be a new order or not? I know this is more of the soft part of the question.
Real non-trivial zeros of Riemann zeta function inside critical strip
Assuming that by $\chi_0$ you mean the trivial Dirichlet character then you are correct; however, for other characters we do know some things. For example for $\chi$ is a complex character (that is it takes values outside of $\mathbb{R}$, then there will not be any Siegel zeros. But if $\chi$ is real (say a quadratic character), then the existence of Siegel zeros is still open. But one could then talk about general $L$-series attached to other objects such as autommorphic forms
Real non-trivial zeros of Riemann zeta function inside critical strip
Perhaps, there should also be a more general comment here that for a general Dirichlet $L$ series $L(s,\chi)$ where $\chi$ is a Dirichlet character, the question of a real zero (known as a Siegel zero) is a difficult unresolved problem.
Real non-trivial zeros of Riemann zeta function inside critical strip
Yes, we do know that there are no nontrivial zeros on the real line. You might want to see which shows that there is no nontrivial zeros $s=\sigma+it$ off of the critical line for $\vert t\vert\leq 3\times 10^{12}$
Is there a name for the (Zariski like) topology whose closed sets are generated by degree $1$ polynomials?
I think my question is more about the topology whose closed sets are generated by zero sets of polynomials of degree $1$.
Proving $S^1$ is not homeomorphic to any subset $A\subset \mathbb R$
I don't see anything wrong with this proof it seems fine to me as long as the fixed point theorem doesn't somehow use this fact in its proof (which I don't believe it does), so I think you are fine
Why is reduction from Hamiltonian cycle to Hamiltonian path wrong?
If you read the comment in the question you referenced they give an example of what the issue is, so perhaps you should read that discussion
If $g \in I$ for an ideal $I$ over a commutative ring $R$, and $f \not \in I$, what can we say about $f-g$?
Yes since if $f-g\in I$, then we have that $f-g=h$ for some $h\in I$, so then $f=h+g$, and as $g,h\in I$, we then have that $h+g=f\in I$ a contradiction
Elements of quotient ring
Perhaps, I might note that you can observe that the ideal $(2)$ factors as $(2)=(1+\sqrt{3})^2$, as you may observe that $2=(-1+\sqrt{3})(1+\sqrt{3})$.
Field generated by a class of subsets
Some will define a partition of a set $X$ to be a set $\{X_i\}_{i\in I}$ where $X_i\cap X_j=\emptyset$ for $i\neq j$ and $\cup_{i\in I}X_i=X$, so with this definition the empty set is allowed to be a part in the partition, so perhaps just take that as a part of the definition.
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