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Dan Asimov's user avatar
Dan Asimov's user avatar
Dan Asimov
  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
11 votes

Is it possible to obtain a sphere from a quotient of a torus?

9 votes

Geometric interpretation of symmetries of a manifold

5 votes

Is any foliation on a 2-torus induced by a suitable flow?

5 votes

Surface Element in Spherical Coordinates

3 votes

a function with differentiable partial derivatives but unequal mixed derivatives

3 votes

Intuition behind homology of a Klein bottle

3 votes

Visualize why the group of isometries of the sphere $S^2$ is $S^3/(\mathbf{Z}/2) ?$

3 votes

Elementary proof of the fact that any orientable 3-manifold is parallelizable

3 votes

Do I have to prove the base case in the baseless version of strong induction?

3 votes

Proving that no mapping of a set into its power set can be surjective

3 votes

Are paths with same image homotopic?

2 votes

Why codomain is more than the range in an Inverse function

2 votes

Examples of compact sets that are infinite dimensional and not bounded

2 votes

Topological group needs to be path connected

1 vote

For a closed, regular space curve of length $\ell$, show that $\int_0^\ell\kappa(s)ds\geq 2\pi$, where $\kappa$ gives curvature

1 vote

On the transitivity of the group of automorphisms of a Riemann surface

1 vote

How to prove that the following function is continuous at irrational numbers?

1 vote

Everyone casts a vote at random, probability someone gets a majority of votes

1 vote

A name for convex polyhedra with regular polygons as faces

1 vote

Continuous surjection from plane to closed unit interval such that preimage of each point is bounded

1 vote

Uniformly Sampling from a High-Dimensional Unit Sphere

0 votes

Why does $\vec \nabla \times \vec F=0 $ mean that $\exists \Phi: \nabla \Phi=\vec F$?

0 votes

Is this cartesian product defined $ \{0, 1\}^1 $

0 votes

Is the hyperbolic plane the only simply connected hyperbolic 2-manifold?

0 votes

mapping class group of the real projective plane

0 votes

Solving for x: finite Maclaurin series = finite Laurent series

0 votes

Area of a Spherical Triangle from Side Lengths

-1 votes

$f(z)$ is analytic in the unit circle - can you prove it's a constant function?

-2 votes

Understanding why $X''(s).X'(s)=0$ where $X$ is parametrized with respect to arc length.