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Questions tagged [riemann-surfaces]

For questions about Riemann surfaces, that is complex manifolds of (complex) dimension 1, and related topics.

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Definition of a (holomorphic) differential form in the context of translation surfaces

I am a beginning graduate student with an interest in geometry, in particular, in translation surfaces. I am trying to learn from the recent text by Athreya & Masur. My biggest point of confusion ...
Steven Cripe's user avatar
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Compute the genus of a double cover of $\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{C})$ branched at 12 points

I am studying Riemann Surfaces and the lecturer gave the following as an exercise: Compute the genus of a double cover of of $\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{C})$ branched at 12 points I would appreciate some ...
Lloydit's user avatar
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Order 2 branch cut and different sheet structures on Riemann surfaces

I am trying to understand some simple branch structures of Riemann surfaces with order 2 ramification / branch points. Let's talk about surfaces in $\Sigma \subset \mathbb{C}^2$ cut out by a ...
Samuel Crew's user avatar
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Holomorphic map with no singular values is a covering map?

I am working on Problem 8-c from Milnor's Dynamics in One Complex Variable, which describes a necessary and sufficient condition for a holomorphic map $f : S \to S'$ between Riemann surfaces to be a ...
Nick F's user avatar
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Local behaviour of the action of a finite subgroup of the automorphism group of a Riemann Surface fixing a point

Consider $(\Sigma,j)$ a closed Riemann surface, and $G \subset Aut(\Sigma,j)$ a finite subgroup that fixes a point $z_0 \in \Sigma$. How can one construct a $G$-invariant neighbourhood $U \ni z_0$ ...
JJr's user avatar
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Induced homomorphism of Abel-Jacobi map is surjective for genus 1

I'm trying to prove that every Riemann surface of genus 1 is biholomorphic to a torus, via a sequence of exercises in Richard Hain's lecture 'Moduli of Riemann surfaces, transcendental aspects'. He ...
jim douglas's user avatar
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the symbol defining a cocycle ? Or rather its square?

Let S be a Riemann surface. A quasi-meromorphic function on S is a function holomorphic everywhere except finitely many points and such that locally it can be written as $re^{\phi}$ where both r and φ ...
MOHAMED BENSAID's user avatar
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Potentials and orientation-preserving isometries

I'm trying to prove the following Lemma: If $U,V \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ are open, and are equipped with conformal metrics $g_U=\lambda^2dzd\bar{z}$ and $g_V=\mu^2dzd\bar{z}$. If $f:U \rightarrow V$ is ...
Lazarus Frost's user avatar
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Classification of complex structures of $\mathbb{C}^{*}$

Riemann's theorem states that simply connected Riemann surfaces are biholomorphic to $\mathbb{C}, \mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{C})$ or $H$ the upper-half complex plane. It is also easy to check that the cover ...
cespun's user avatar
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What do the axes represent on this Riemann surface of the complex logarithm?

My question seems to a special case of the answer to this question: What does the Color and height of a Riemann surface represent, but that post seems to make use of more advanced techniques than I ...
Jack's user avatar
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Covering properties of non-constant holomorphic function $f: X \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$

I'm working through a proof that Riemann surfaces are second countable, and one of the main steps is showing that if $X$ is a connected Riemann surface such that there is a non-constant holomorphic ...
Dalop's user avatar
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Border of riemann surface given by quotient of fuchsian group

Let $\Gamma \subset PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$ be discrete, and consider the Riemann surface $\mathbb{H} / \Gamma$ with the unique complex structure for which the quotient map $\pi : \mathbb{H} \rightarrow \...
porridgemathematics's user avatar
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Covering Map Associated to Map from Homology

Let $X_n$ be a connected $2$-dimensional manifold with nonempty boundary and set $X_n^*:=X_n-\{x_0\}$. Assume that $H^1(X^*_n;\mathbb{R})\cong \mathbb{R}$. Then since $$H^1(X_n^*;\mathbb{R}) = \text{...
Vasting's user avatar
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Universal property of Abelian-Jacobi Map/Jacobi variety for Riemann Surfaces

I have a question about universal property of Abel Jacobi Map and the Jacobi variety in the (classical) context of Riemann surfaces / complex smooth proper curves. Let $C$ be such RS/complex sm curve $...
user267839's user avatar
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Few Questions about Properties of Exponential Map $\text{exp}: \text{Lie}(G) \to G $ of Compact Complex Lie Group

Let $G$ be compact Riemann surface with the structure of a complex commutative Lie group, ie the multipliciation map $m:G \times G \to G$ is holomorphic (+certain usual diagrams satisfy axiomatic ...
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