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shark's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 11 months
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2 votes

Completion of metric space (Terence Tao Analysis II Exercise 1.4.8 part (c))

1 vote

Prove that $\sqrt{2}$ is irrational using strong induction

1 vote

Derivation of equations using a general waterpipe problem

1 vote

$(X,d)$ Complete and totally bounded $\iff $ $(X,d)$ is compact

1 vote

The Typewriter Sequence

1 vote

Show that $1 /(1-x)$ is real analytic

1 vote

the proof of several variable calculus chain rule

1 vote

open box $(0, 1/q)^n$ and closed box $[0, 1/q]^n$ both have measure $1/q^n$.

1 vote

Lebesgue integral of $f$ is equal to the Lebesgue measure of the area under the curve of $f$

1 vote

Proving the Lebesgue measure space completes the Borel measure space

1 vote

Linear Change of Variables for Measurable Functions

1 vote

Construction of a Borel set with positive but not full measure in each interval

1 vote

Fast $L^{1}$ Convergence implies almost uniform convergence

1 vote

Measurable group homomorphisms are continuous

1 vote

A cube of density

1 vote

Yet another definition of uniform integrability. Is it equivalent to the classical definition by G.A. Hunt?

1 vote

One-sided Hardy-Littlewood inequality for monotone function

1 vote

Horizontal\Vertical truncation lemmas

1 vote

Second Borel-Cantelli lemma via the moment method

1 vote

Number of triangles in Erdös-Renyi graph

1 vote

Convergence/divergence of the operator norm for random sign matrices

1 vote

A convergence property for iid sequence of Cauchy random variables

1 vote

Lack of strong law for triangular array

0 votes

Concentration around the mean in Cramer random model

0 votes

Uniform bound involving trace of random matrix

0 votes

Probabilistic Riemann hypothesis under Cramér random model

0 votes

Probabilistic Goldbach conjecture under Cramér random model

0 votes

Is the limit of uniformly integrable functions integrable?

0 votes

Rising Sun Inequality (Dunford-Schwartz maximal inequality)

0 votes

Every dominated sequence of measurable functions is uniformly integrable?