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Tom's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
15 votes

Can $f(\infty)$ be defined if the sequence $f(n)$ is divergent?

11 votes

Why does the rational root theorem not include polynomials with rational coefficients?

11 votes

Why conjugate when switching order of inner product?

7 votes

Why is "All horses have the same color" considered a false proof by induction?

4 votes

What should be the intuition when working with compactness?

3 votes

prove there is no smallest positive rational number

3 votes

Methods for Improving Convergence of a sequence of Partial Sums

3 votes

Construction of a cauchy sequence

3 votes

An analytic function on the disk that sends the boundary into the boundary sends the interior onto the interior

3 votes

Simple Trig Equations - Why is it Wrong to Cancel Trig Terms?

2 votes

Boy and girl paradox is driving me crazy

2 votes

What does it mean to preserves the subspaces in Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization?

2 votes

infinite monkey problem - probability of an infinite sequence containing an infinite sequence

2 votes

Metrizable and Metric Topologies

2 votes

Proving the usual distance metric in $\mathbb{R}$ is complete

2 votes

book to learn calculus by examples and real world applications

2 votes

$S$ is closed $\iff$ whenever $\{x_n\} \in S$ and $x_n \to x$, then $x \in S$

2 votes

Prove that a multivariable function has a global minimum

2 votes

Delta notation in Thermodynamics

2 votes

If divergence is zero, is it necessarily a curl?

2 votes

Proof that analytic function whose absolute value tends to infinity in all directions takes on all complex values

1 vote

Torque of a force

1 vote

Open balls in euclidean space are homeomorphic to the whole space

1 vote

Calculating the mass of a surface?

1 vote

Is it true that every 1st category subset of a 2nd category space has empty interior?

1 vote

How do I discretize a parabolic partial differential equation?

1 vote

Find All Dimensions such that Volume of Box = Surface Area

1 vote

Relation between the density function (measure theory) and density (physics)

1 vote

In the finite difference formulas, how can we pick h to give a certain tolerance?

1 vote

Cauchy- riemann equations