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user164587's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years
  • Last seen this week
42 votes

I lost my love of math; I'm getting it back. How can I determine if math is actually right for me?

12 votes

Why the limit of $\frac{\sin(x)}{x}$ as $x$ approaches 0 is 1?

7 votes

Double integral of $\dfrac{y}{x^2y^2+1}dx~dy$

6 votes

System of Equations and Pumpkins? I Think Not.

5 votes

How to show that $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^k}$ converges for all integer $k > 1$?

5 votes

Solve y''' = y with given conditions?

4 votes

Evaluate trig function integral

4 votes

Find an equation of a quartic function with 2 points and a tangent point

3 votes

Limit of $\frac{\sin(\theta)}{\theta}$ in degrees

3 votes

Evaluate $\int 5^{-4x} dx$

3 votes

If $n$ is composite then $n$ divides $(n-1)!$

2 votes

Integrate $\int \cos^4 x\,\mathrm dx.$

2 votes

Growth Rate of Gaps Between Consecutive Perfect Squares

2 votes

Notation for summation while skipping elements

2 votes

Amateur Math and a Linear Recurrence Relation

2 votes

Integration Question: Completing the Square/Trig Sub yields a different answer than integral table.

2 votes

convolution problem given $h(x)=1/2$ for $0<x<2$ and $0$ otherwise

2 votes

Show that $\lim_{x\to \infty}f(x)=0$

2 votes

Linear differential equation and its Wronskian

2 votes

Fun proofs for layperson?

2 votes

Proving gcd(a, a+2) is 1 or 2 for every integer a?

2 votes

Intermediate step for integration?

2 votes

Increasing sequence and converging to zero.

2 votes

There is no smallest infinity in calculus?

2 votes

The Largest Prime Less Than the Square of a Prime

1 vote

Find the Values of $p$ and $q$ Such that the Improper Integral Converges

1 vote

Finding the fourier series of floor function

1 vote

Is the function $y(t)$ is a solution of the equation $y'=\sin(yt)$?

1 vote

Inequalities and $x^2$

1 vote

a proof of contradiction