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Jason S
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
56 votes

Books on Number Theory for Layman

33 votes

How do I cut a square in half?

20 votes

Simple numerical methods for calculating the digits of $\pi$

4 votes

Math typesetting conventions: two-letter subscripts in an equation

3 votes

Combinations of selecting $n$ objects with $k$ different types

3 votes

Useful examples of pathological functions

3 votes

Using differential equations to graph velocity over time of a falling object subject to wind resistance

3 votes

How do I figure out what kind of distribution this is?

2 votes

'(Pseudo)-random functions' by seeding of PRNGs?

2 votes

Is there a geometrical interpretation to the notion of eigenvector and eigenvalues?

2 votes

Intuitive reasoning behind the Chain Rule in multiple variables?

2 votes

Repayments of a loan with compound interest

2 votes

solving a series of nonlinear equations for the zeros of Bessel polynomials

2 votes

Solve: $2^{256} = 95^x$ ... what is $x$?

1 vote

Norm of a set of vectors with respect to a quadratic form

1 vote

How to translate from a 2x2 state-space difference equation to a 2nd-order difference equation

1 vote

determining decimation ratio given characteristic polynomials of quotient rings $GF(2^n)$

1 vote

enumerating combinations with minimum specified separation

1 vote

determining orthonormal matrix of rank N with special first row

1 vote

numerical algorithms for determining least common multiple of polynomials

1 vote

B and C matrices for real modal representation of a 2x2 linear system with complex eigenvalues

1 vote

maximizing the angle between a circle radius and a segment to another point

1 vote

Common function with given power series?

1 vote

What is larger -- the set of all positive even numbers, or the set of all positive integers?

1 vote

Uniqueness of Characterstic Functions in Probability

1 vote

What does it mean to be going 40 mph (or 64 kph, etc.) at a given moment?

1 vote

Maclaurin Series of $1/(1-x)$ derived from maclaurin series of $(1+x)^n$

1 vote

Inverting the Pade approximation (going from $P_m(x)/Q_n(x)$ to $f_{m+n}(x)$)

1 vote

Simplification of $\sqrt{2\zeta^2-1+2\zeta\sqrt{\zeta^2-1}}+\sqrt{2\zeta^2-1-2\zeta\sqrt{\zeta^2-1}}$

0 votes

High water mark probability of an M/M/1 queue