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For posts looking for feedback or verification of a proposed solution. "Is this proof correct?" is too broad or missing context. Instead, the question must identify precisely which step in the proof is in doubt, and why so. This should not be the only tag for a question, and should not be used to circumvent site policies regarding duplicate questions.

This tag should be used when you have a proposed solution to a problem and have specific concerns or doubts about the validity of that solution. A question with this tag should include an explanation for why the argument presented is not convincing enough. Further discussion on using this tag can be found in the Mathematics Meta questions (1) and (2).

Answers to questions tagged look first and foremost to check that the solution is right, and to comment upon the approach taken by the author of the question. If the proposed solution is wrong, a good answer would explain where or how mistakes were made, and possibly give or sketch a correct solution instead.

If the proposed solution is correct, an answer would ideally provide further evidence to back the answerer's opinion. These could include a clearer rewriting of the given argument, alternative arguments, generalizations of the proven result, or careful consideration of unexpected subtle points. Users looking to write answers can find further discussion in this Mathematics Meta post.