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Find the point $P$ on an ellipse such that $\overline{AP} + \overline{BP}$ is minimum for given points $A$ and $B$

Given a point $P = E(t)$ for some $t$, it lies on a unique ellipsoid (of revolution) whose foci are $A$ and $B$. It was shown here that the equation of this ellipsoid is $ (p - C)^T (a^2 I - {UU}^T ) ...
Quadrics's user avatar
  • 24.5k
3 votes

Largest Area Triangle in the Vesica Piscis

Here is a solution in the "17th century spirit" where extremal solutions were found based on the computation of infinitesimal quantities. I assume that we look for an optimal solution under ...
Jean Marie's user avatar
  • 83.9k
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Least Squares Ellipse with known parameters

As your $c_x$ and $r_x$ are known, your problem can be recast as $$\left|\frac{y}{r_y}-\frac{c_y}{r_y}\right|=\sqrt{1-\left(\frac{x-x_c}{r_c}\right)^2}.$$ This is equivalent to a linear model, but for ...
Yves Daoust's user avatar
2 votes

Locus of a point whose distance from two points is fixed (but not necessarily equal) in 3D geometry

Just to give you an answer: Indeed if $d(P,S_1)$ is constant, then $P$ lies on the spherical surface $\odot(S_1,S_1P)$, on the same manner $P \in \odot (S_2,S_2P)$. Because $P$ is on the meeting of ...
hellofriends's user avatar
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Finding the vertices of the hyperbola $x^2+6xy-7y^2=20$

The conic is central, so the vertices are at least distance from center i.e. origin With $x=r \cos \theta, y = r \sin \theta$ we get $r^2 = \dfrac{20}{3 \sin 2 \theta + 4 \cos 2 \theta -3} \ge \dfrac{...
Hari Shankar's user avatar
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Largest Area Triangle in the Vesica Piscis

Consider a bounded and closed (i.e. compact) region in the plane, not contained in a line. There exists a triangle with largest area with vertices in the figure, $\Delta ABC$. Now if we keep $B$, $C$ ...
orangeskid's user avatar
11 votes

The center of gravity of a triangle on a parabola lies on the axis of symmetry

We can prove a stronger claim, namely that this works for any axis-aligned ellipse which passes through the parabola vertex. First, we choose coordinates such that the parabola's vertex is $(0,0)$ and ...
Semiclassical's user avatar
2 votes

Double Contact Chained Ellipses Problem

Not an answer, but a generalization to OP's circle result, Lemma 2. Consider an ellipse with center $O$ that has an internally doubly-tangent circle of radius $r$ (with touch-points $T$ and $T'$) and ...
Blue's user avatar
  • 78.1k
9 votes

Largest Area Triangle in the Vesica Piscis

EDIT. I'm inserting here a purely geometrical solution, the original reasoning can be seen at the end. I'll repeatedly make use of the following result: if we have a line $r$ and an arc of circle $\...
Intelligenti pauca's user avatar
5 votes

Largest Area Triangle in the Vesica Piscis

For triangles with an edge parallel to the line connecting the centers of the circles, the largest is shown in the image below. I expect this to be the largest in general.
Daniel Mathias's user avatar
1 vote

Construct a cone from independently sampled surface points

I've developed a procedure for recovering the right circular cone from $7$ sample points from its surface. A right circular cone is determined by $6$ geometric parameters, which usually implies that ...
Quadrics's user avatar
  • 24.5k
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Properties that relate to the chord of a parabola passing from the perpendicular projection of the focus point on the parabola guide

And this is another feature I've just come up with about this configuration. The two straight lines AF, BF are made with parabola guide isosceles triangle
زكريا حسناوي's user avatar
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Properties that relate to the chord of a parabola passing from the perpendicular projection of the focus point on the parabola guide

And this is another feature that I have come up with now related to this configuration The line passing through M and perpendicular to AB must pass from a fixed point which is the image of point F' ...
زكريا حسناوي's user avatar
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Properties that relate to the chord of a parabola passing from the perpendicular projection of the focus point on the parabola guide

Now I discovered another property related to this configuration The center of the circle passing through the points A, B, M belongs to the axis of symmetry of the parabola
زكريا حسناوي's user avatar
2 votes

Construct a cone from independently sampled surface points

A point $P=(x,y,z)$ belongs to the surface of a cone with vertex $V=(x_0,y_0,z_0)$ if vector $P-V$ forms a fixed angle $\theta$ with the direction $\vec a=(x_a,y_a,z_a)$ of the axis. Hence the ...
Intelligenti pauca's user avatar
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Locus of intersection of a pair of variable straight lines $x^2+4y^2+\alpha xy=0$ with ellipse $x^2+4y^2=4$

We can assume the locus point as (X1,y1)and write it's chord of contact equation and homogenize that with the ellipse equation. Finally we can compare this equation with the equation given in question
tapas yogi's user avatar
2 votes

Complete specification of the intersection between an elliptical cone and a plane

Eliminate $z$ between the equations of cone and plane. The result is the equation of the projection of their intersection on the $xy$ plane. You can then find a pair of conjugate diameters of this ...
Intelligenti pauca's user avatar
0 votes

Construct a cone from independently sampled surface points

Suppose you have $4$ non-coplanar points. Let's call them $A,B,C,D$. Pick one of them as your cone's apex. The equation of a right circular cone with apex $A$ is $ (r - A)^T Q (r - A) = 0 $ where $...
Quadrics's user avatar
  • 24.5k
3 votes

Line tangent to a parabola

To be tangent, the line $y = l(x)$ and the parabola $y = p(x)$ must intersect at that point, so we have $p(x_i) = l(x_i) \implies p(x_i) - l(x_i) = 0$, i.e. $x = x_i$ is a root of the parabola $p(x) - ...
ConMan's user avatar
  • 25.6k
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Centers of three conical sections located on one line

You made a nice observation, and it is implicit in the theory of the Poncelet Porism and the theory of conic pencils. It's a big topic - I won't offer any proofs - but hopefully I can point you to ...
brainjam's user avatar
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Area swept by the circumference of an ellipse as it slides such that it is always tangent to the $x$ axis at the origin

To find the sliding ellipse, using tangency properties, is quite easy. Taking an ellipse as $$ \mathscr{E}(x,y,x_0,y_0,a,b,t) = ((y-y_0)\cos t+(x-x_0)\sin t)^2a^2+((x-x_0)\cos t-(y-y_0)\sin t)^2-a^2b^...
Cesareo's user avatar
  • 34.2k
4 votes

Area swept by the circumference of an ellipse as it slides such that it is always tangent to the $x$ axis at the origin

Not a full answer, but I'm posting it in the hope it can be of help to find a complete solution. We want to find the equation of an ellipse, with semi-axes $a$ and $b$, tangent to the $x$-axis at $(0,...
Intelligenti pauca's user avatar
4 votes

Solving the system $D(r_i-C)=\frac{g_i}{\sqrt{g_i^TD^{-1}g_i}}$, $i\in\{1,2\}$, for $2\times2$ diagonal matrix $D$ and $2\times1$ vector $C$

Let $$D=\begin{pmatrix} x & 0 \\ 0 & y \end{pmatrix}, C=\begin{pmatrix}p\\q\end{pmatrix}$$ $$r_1=\begin{pmatrix}a\\b\end{pmatrix},r_2=\begin{pmatrix}c\\d\end{pmatrix},g_1=\begin{pmatrix}e\\f\...
mathlove's user avatar
  • 145k
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Golden ratio points in ellipse

Using polar coordinates, $$r=\frac{b^2}{a-c\cos \theta}$$ which is focal-origin, namely $$\frac{(x-c)^2}{a^2}+\frac{y^2}{b^2}=1$$ Since $d_1+d_2=2c$, \begin{align} \frac{\sqrt{5}+1}{2} &= \frac{...
Ng Chung Tak's user avatar
  • 19.1k
1 vote

Golden ratio points in ellipse

Given the equation of the ellipse in standard form: $$ \frac{x^2}{a^2}+\frac{y^2}{b^2}=1 $$ where the foci are at $( \pm c, 0)$ and $c=\sqrt{a^2-b^2}$. The distances between foci and the points are ...
0 votes

Help troubleshooting ellipse perimeter calculation algorithm

If you aren't able to figure it out and it's a problem with the code and formula you may want to try one of these instead; they are highly accurate, with maximum errors of .04%, .015% and .02%:
John's user avatar
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A question about general equations of Hyperbolas

Given the foci $F_1,F_2$and a point $P$ on the hyperbola, the center is the midpoint $M:(h,k)$ of $F_1,F_2$. Letting the axes be centered at the center of the hyperbola and along and perpendicular to ...
Jan-Magnus Økland's user avatar
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Relationship between major and minor axis of an ellipse's circumference

As mentioned in the comments and other answers, the perimeter of an ellipse is given by an elliptic integral of the second kind. There are several different notation conventions used for these ...
PM 2Ring's user avatar
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Angle between two tangent of the ellipse when parametric line equation is used

The given equation of the ellipse in vector-matrix form is $ r^T Q r = 6 $ where $ r = [x, y]^T $ and $ Q = \begin{bmatrix} 1 && 0 \\ 0 && 2 \end{bmatrix} $ The given line can also be ...
Quadrics's user avatar
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Angle between two tangent of the ellipse when parametric line equation is used

We have: $$\frac{x}{2}\cos\theta+y\sin\theta=1\tag1$$ $$\frac{x^2}{6}+\frac{y^2}{3}=1\tag2$$ Comparing $(1)$ with the parametric form of tangent equation, $$\frac{x\cos\theta}{a}+\frac{y\sin\theta}{b}=...
whatamidoing's user avatar
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Is it possible to find an ellipse with these conditions?

The equation of the ellipse that has its major and minor axes parallel to the $x$ and $y$ axes is given by $ \dfrac{ (x - h)^2}{a^2} + \dfrac{(y - k)^2}{b^2} = 1 \tag{1} $ This equation can be written ...
Quadrics's user avatar
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Is it possible to find an ellipse with these conditions?

I have use Geogebra for doing such a thing: I have created two points, $A$ and $B$, and from that, I have derived two new points, $C$ and $D$, making a simple rectangle like that ($x_C=x_A$, $y_C=y_B$ ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Is it possible to find an ellipse with these conditions?

The equation of the ellipse can be written as: $$ {(x-x_0)^2\over a^2}+{(y-y_{end})^2\over b^2}=1. $$ Substitute here the coordinates of $(x_{start},y_{start})$ and $(x_{end},y_{end})$, and add the ...
Intelligenti pauca's user avatar
8 votes

Relationship between major and minor axis of an ellipse's circumference

I don't know if what you seek can be accomplished without invoking calculus and special functions. Assume everything is centered at the origin in the $x,y$ plane. The circle with radius $\dfrac12$ has ...
user170231's user avatar
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2 votes

If we spin an ostrich egg along its minor axis will it be oblate shape?

Forget about spinning. An ellipsoid has three perpendicular axes; it can be constructed from a sphere, by stretching it along these axes. The stretch factors may or may not be equal. It's called a ...
mr_e_man's user avatar
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How to maximize the area of the triangle?

The area can be written as $$ A_{WPQ}=A_{WPS}+A_{WQS}={1\over2}2ae(y_P-y_Q), $$ hence we need to find the maximum of $y_P-y_Q$. Taking a convenient parametrization with $\phi=\angle WSP$: $$ y_P={a(1-...
Intelligenti pauca's user avatar
12 votes

Are geometric series related to ellipses in this particular way?

Here's a fairly nifty interpretation ... Define $p:=|PF|$, and write $e$ for the ellipse's eccentricity. We can locate points $P_0 (=P)$, $P_1 (=F)$, $P_2$, $P_3$, $\ldots$ on axis-line $PF$ such that ...
Blue's user avatar
  • 78.1k
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Approximating an Ellipse with Circular Arcs.

A property of the mechanical-engineering shortcut construction is that as you change from one arc to the other, the length of the radius changes but the direction of the radius does not. If you start ...
David K's user avatar
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Approximating an Ellipse with Circular Arcs.

This approximation is of limited use, because it works only if the parallelogram is a rhombus. Try to do that with a generic parallelogram and you'll see that it fails. In general, if you want to ...
Intelligenti pauca's user avatar

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