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Questions tagged [vector-spaces]

For questions about vector spaces and their properties. More general questions about linear algebra belong under the [linear-algebra] tag. A vector space is a space which consists of elements called "vectors", which can be added and multiplied by scalars

8 votes
3 answers

Is Cross Product Defined on Vector Space?

In Wikipedia, a cross product between two "vectors" is defined in terms of the angle between the vectors and their magnitudes. As I learned cross product in linear algebra, which I understand to be a ...
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Vector space over $\mathbb{Q}$ or $\mathbb{Z}$?

I am looking at the following: Show that a torsion-free divisible group $G$ is a vector space over $\mathbb{Q}$. I have no problem verifying the axioms of vector spaces after noting that the term ...
Seoral's user avatar
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2 answers

Motivation for normed space definition?

So if $X$ is a vector space, and you define a norm, $x \mapsto \| x \|$, on it, then the bounded subset, $V = \{ x \in X: \|x\| < \infty \}$ is automatically a subspace. This follows from the ...
nick maxwell's user avatar
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Vectorspace: Is $\lambda a = a\lambda$ always true?

I just had a short look on the definition of a Vector Space and couldn't find any obvious reason why $\lambda a = a \lambda$ where $\lambda$ is an element of the field $K$ and $a$ is an Element of ...
ftiaronsem's user avatar
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How to check if a subset is a generator of a vector space

I have a very noob questions about generators: what algorithm do I have to follow so I can prove that a finite subset is a generator? Here is the background story (I'll tell it all because I suck at ...
cantrem's user avatar
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2 answers

Vector Force Fields and Their Physical Interpretations

The vector force field F=(yi,-xj) has a curl of -2. The acceleration of a particle in space is given by: ax=y/m ay=-x/m This vector field has a divergence of 0. Will particles in this vector FORCE ...
warpstack's user avatar
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quaternion to angle

Alright, so this is how I am doing it: ...
CyanPrime's user avatar
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Getting the % that a point is on a line

Alright, so I got two points in 3d space, so they have a x,y, and z. Now if the line's y - which I get like so: ...
CyanPrime's user avatar
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2 answers

Finding $\min_{\mathbf x} (\mathbf y - \mathbf G\mathbf x)^T(\mathbf y - \mathbf G\mathbf x)$

Let $\mathbf G$ be a given $m \times n$ matrix, $\mathbf y$ a given $m \times 1$ column vector and $\mathbf x$ an unknown $n \times 1$ column vector such that $\mathbf x \ge 0$. 1) How do you find $\...
Max's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Showing $1,e^{x}$ and $\sin{x}$ are linearly independent in $\mathcal{C}[0,1]$

How do i show that $f_{1}(x)=1$, $f_{2}(x)=e^{x}$ and $f_{3}(x)=\sin{x}$ are linearly independent, as elements of the vector space, of continuous functions $\mathcal{C}[0,1]$. So for showing these ...
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2 answers

How do you calculate the unit vector between two points?

I'm reading a paper on fluid dynamics and it references a unit vector between two particles i and j. I'm not clear what it means by a unit vector in this instance. How do I calculate the unit vector ...
McGin's user avatar
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1 answer

Simple-looking vector inequality

For what values of $x = (x_0 x_1 \ldots x_n)$ the following inequality holds for all positive values of the vector $a = (a_0 a_1 \ldots a_n)$: $a x^T \ge 0$?
Max's user avatar
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Show that this is a vector space and determine the dimension

Question: Let $v = (1,1,0,1) \in \mathbb{R}^{4}$ Let $$V:= \{f: \mathbb{R}^{4} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{2} \mbox{ linear } | f(v) = 0\}.$$ (a) Show that $V$ forms a vectorspace. (b) Determine dim$(V)...
ghshtalt's user avatar
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Let $V$ be a $k$-vector space of dimension $n$ and $T: V \to V$ a linear map of rank 1. Show that either $T^2 = 0$ or that $T$ is diagonalisable?

I am not good with vector spaces so I would be grateful for any help. As I've been told I need to take $v \in \mathrm{Im}(T)$, $v\neq 0$, and show that if $T(v) = \mathbf{0}$ then $T^2 = 0$. But if $T(...
Maths student's user avatar
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Bad ideas: Adding vectors from different vector spaces?

Let V be a vector space with a non-trivial subspaces U, W. $ U \neq W$. Consider $u_0 \in V$, with $u_0 \neq 0$ and $w_0 \in V$ with $w_0 \neq 0$ then we have $u_0 + U \in V/U$ and $w_0 + W \in V/W$. ...
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