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Questions tagged [solid-angle]

Analogue of radians on spheres. A sphere has solid angle $4\pi$ comparing to the $2\pi$ radian for a circle.

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What is the substantial generalization of the “acuteness” to 3-simplex?

A 2-dimensional simplex is just a triangle, and a 3-dimensional simplex is just a tetrahedron… therefore for convenience, I simply use the term triangle and tetrahedron in the following words. We know ...
user688486's user avatar
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Prove that all three bisecting planes of the dihedral angles of a trihedral angle intersect along one straight line.

Prove that all three bisecting planes of the dihedral angles of a trihedral angle intersect along one straight line. I attempted like this we can take one triangle at first as all its bisectors will ...
Tutor4872's user avatar
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Clarification Regarding Solid Angle

I am studying Zangwill's Modern Electrodynamics but I'm having trouble following an argument he makes about solid angles in preparation for deriving the integral form of Gauss's law. He defines the ...
Georgy Zhukov's user avatar
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Arnold's Trivium problem 69

Does anyone have solution for Arnold's Trivium problem #69? Prove that the solid angle based on a given closed contour is a function of the vertex of the angle that is harmonic outside of the contour.
Ketchounez's user avatar
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What's the hypersolid angle of a 5-cell (4d tetrahedron)?

It's known that the solid angle of the vertex of a regular tetrahedron is $\arccos(\frac{23}{27})$, or equivalently, $\frac\pi2-3\arcsin(\frac13)$ or $3\arccos(\frac13)-\pi$. (Trig identities are ...
Akiva Weinberger's user avatar
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Reference Request for Solid Angles

I'm looking for a reference that has a discussion of solid angles. Many facts about them are available in various places online, but I haven't had any luck finding a text that treats them. I might be ...
kandb's user avatar
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Solid angle of human field of vision

This is a question about solid angles. According to Wikipedia, the central/binocular field of human vision is about $2\pi/3$ in the horizontal plane, and $\pi/3$ in the vertical axis. Roughly, this ...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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What is the solid angle substended by a point on some closed surface?

I'm trying to find out the solid angle subtended over the entirety of some closed surface S by some point P located on the surface. For a point within the surface, the answer is of course 4$\pi$, but ...
Vincent Topacio's user avatar
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Fraction of Solid Angle

I wonder which way is the correct way to calculate a specific fraction of a solid angle. I divided a hemisphere into a number of solid angles by using weights of gauss quadrature in the zenith ...
Elad's user avatar
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What is the asymptotic version of the solid angle formula in $d$ dimensions?

It is well known that the solid angle in an euclidian space of $d$ dimensions ($d = 2 n$ or $d = 2 n + 1$, where $n = 1, 2, 3, \dots, \infty$) is given by these formulae: \begin{align}\tag{1} \Omega_{...
Cham's user avatar
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How to calculate the solid angle of a rectangle?

Let $R$ be a rectangle with vertices $\boldsymbol{n}_1$, $\boldsymbol{n}_2$, $\boldsymbol{n}_3$ and $\boldsymbol{n}_4 \in \mathbb{R}^3$. I am looking for a formula for calculating the solid angle ...
mathslover's user avatar
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Does a sphere really have an area of 41,000 square degrees? [closed]

So, after reading the latest XKCD comic and it accompanying page on the explainxkcd wiki, I saw a link to this site that claims that a sphere has a surface area of approximately 41000 square degrees ...
nick012000's user avatar
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Flux integral of Gauss law

Consider a point charge enclosed by some surface, using spherical coordinates, and taking $\hat a$ to be the unit vector in the direction of the surface element, flux is $$\oint\vec E\cdot d\vec A = ...
GedankenExperimentalist's user avatar
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Solid Angles: 3D Polygon inside a sphere

My propositional logic about the topic is following and My question is the way to prove this: If two or more points(vertex) of a 3D polygon share the same solid angle, then those points are on the ...
Seung Hwan Kim's user avatar
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Spherical Means(average) with Taylor Expansion

I saw a formula in this paper A. D. Becke (1983). Hartree–Fock exchange energy of an inhomogeneous electron gas. which is an integral about the spherical means: $$ \frac{1}{4\pi} \int e^{\vec{s}\cdot\...
Zoe Rowa's user avatar
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