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A generalized algorithm to convert a formula in algebraic normal form to an equivalent formula that minimizes the number of bitwise operations

In this question, “bitwise operation” means any operation from the set {XOR, AND, OR}. The NOT operation is not included because ...
lyrically wicked's user avatar
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Generate as short as possible boolean formula from a given truth table

Given a truth table, maybe 3-vars, 5-vars or even 10-vars, i can write its formula in DNF or CNF, and simplify it using K-Map or Quine-McCluskey algorithm. But it is based on {NOT, AND, OR}. Now the ...
tangsongxiaoba's user avatar
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Can any finite set of binary sequences be expressed as CNF/DNF

I am new to logic and cannot figure out if there are instances when a given set of binary sequences of equal length is not possible to express as a conjunctive or disjunctive normal form. If such sets ...
MsTais's user avatar
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Why can a compound biconditional statement whose individual statements don't all have the same truth values be true?

Why can $P_1 ⇔ P_2 ⇔ P_3 ⇔ \ldots ⇔ P_n$ be true when not all the $P$’s have the same truth value? For example: If P1 = T P2 = T P3 = F P4 = F would this be true? T(P1) ⇔ T(P2) ⇔ F(P3) ⇔ F(P4) = ...
Swagmorticus Florian's user avatar
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Why is the distributive law incorrect here?

I am trying to simplify: $(p \lor \neg q) \land (p \lor q) $ One thing, I identify from the table is this: $(p \lor q) \land (p \lor r) $ is second distributive law which becomes $p \lor (q \land r) $ ...
Alix Blaine's user avatar
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I need help with this propositional logic problem

I study compound statements, and I encountered this problem in the book: The problem I tried a solution: Let p be proposition "The first door leads to freedom" and let q be proposition "...
Begginer2005's user avatar
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How to prove two tables are logically equivalent if they have different numbers of variables?

I used boolean algebra to simplify an expression with $3$ variables. After simplifying, it reduces to $2$ variables. The first truth table has $8$ rows and the second one has $4$. How to prove that ...
anothercodingnoob's user avatar
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Why is $((p \land q) \Rightarrow z) \Rightarrow (p \Rightarrow z) \lor (q \Rightarrow z)$ true?

I will propose a counterexample to $$((p \land q) \Rightarrow z) \Rightarrow ((p \Rightarrow z) \lor (q \Rightarrow z)).$$ Let's assume that $p$ is "$n$ is divisible by $2$", $q$ is "$n$...
Maciej Jałocha's user avatar
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Propositional tautologies whose analogues for sets are false

Are there tautologies of propositional logic whose analogues for sets are false? I believe I have found such a tautology. For example, $((p \rightarrow q) \vee (q \rightarrow p))$ is a tautology, but ...
user107952's user avatar
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Finding a Proposition to Satisfy Given Logical Statements

I'm facing a logical inference problem and seeking guidance to find a proposition p3 that satisfies certain logical conditions. Given propositions: p1 = p or r p2 = q => !p p3=? Given conclusions: ...
brodar's user avatar
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Prove $\vdash(A\supset B)\supset C\equiv C\overline{\vee }[A\wedge \neg(B\vee C)]$ using your favorite method

I've been playing with Boolean logic vs ordinary laws of logic like DeMorgan's etc., and I've come up with the following theorem in about 4 lines: $$[(A\supset B)\supset C]\equiv \left\{C\overline{\...
Alexander Conrad's user avatar
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Understanding absorption law

I can't understand how absorption law is obtained. I get following steps. $$a∨(a∧𝑏) = (a∧⊤)∨(a∧𝑏)$$ $$=(a∨a)∧(a∨b)∧(⊤∨a)∧(⊤∨b)$$ then, I come up with $$=a∧(a∨b)∧⊤∧⊤$$ $$=a∧(a∨b)$$ But, I cannot get $...
Soner from The Ottoman Empire's user avatar
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How to form a CNF of following formula [closed]

We got an exercise to make a CNF out of the following formula: $$G = ((A \vee \neg B \vee C) \wedge (C \vee D)) \vee ((A \vee \neg C) \wedge (B \wedge D))$$ I've tried to make an equivalent equation ...
Maxim Glazunov's user avatar
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Satisfiability in an Heyting algebra implies satisfiability in a Boolean algebra for propositional logic?

Let $\mathcal{L}$ be a propositional language and let $\text{Prop}(\mathcal{L})$ be the set of all the propositions of the language $\mathcal{L}$. Let $(H,\wedge,\vee,\rightarrow,1,0)$ be an Heyting ...
effezeta's user avatar
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Relation $\vDash$ and inequality of the evaluation functions

Let's consider two propositions $\phi$ and $\psi$ of a propositional language $L$. Let's suppose that $\phi \vDash \psi$, that is, that for every Boolean algebra $B$ and for every evaluation function $...
effezeta's user avatar
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