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By replacing proposition variables by its negation and flipping the truth values of all prop. variables, show $v(\phi)=v^*(\phi^*)$

This is Exercise 2.28 from Propositional and Predicate Calculus: A Model of Argument by Derek Goldrei: For a formula built up using the connectives $\neg,\land,\lor$, let $\phi^*$ be constructed by ...
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Use induction to show that a truth assignment on $\Gamma\cup\Lambda$ satisfies all theorem from $\Gamma$

Definitions: Let $\Lambda$ be a set of logical axioms and $\Gamma$ be a sets of well-formed formulas (in propositional logic). We say that $\Gamma\cup\Lambda$ tautologically implies $\varphi$ if for ...
Idonknow's user avatar
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Proof of Principle of Duality: Show that $φ$' is logically equivalent to $¬φ$

Could anyone check if my proof is ok/ suggest any improvement please? I couldn't find a way to utilise the induction hypothesis so I am not sure if this is ok. Let $φ$ be a formula built up using ...
Constantly confused's user avatar
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Structural induction: Every propositional formula without negation is true under interpretation

I have to proof the following statement. Let $L$ be a language of propositional logic where formulas are built only from atomic formulas using the primitive connectives $¬$, $∧$, $∨$, $→$, and $↔$. ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Prove Every Axiom Instance Has A Property

Consider an axiom form $\phi \rightarrow \phi$. I need to show that every instance of this has an even number of $\neg$'s. I'm not sure how to proceed. Here is what I've tried. I've assumed some ...
Rusty's user avatar
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Structural Induction Proof of Compositional Semantics [duplicate]

I need to show by structural induction on WFFs that every WFF, $\theta$, has the following property: For any PL (Propositional Logic) interpretations $I$ and $I'$ if $I(\alpha) = I'(\alpha)$ for every ...
Rusty's user avatar
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Proof by induction on wffs

Here is an extra problem form Enderton: Let $\alpha$ be a formula in sentential logic. Prove that there is some tautologically equivalent formula in which negation (if it occurs at all) is applied ...
CuriousKid7's user avatar
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How to prove? Propositional Calculus

I'm having trouble proving this: Let $\alpha$ be a wff such that the only possible connectives in it are $\lnot, \land, \lor$. Let $\alpha^{\ast}$ be the result of changing every $\land$ in $\alpha$ ...
Jon's user avatar
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Proof by induction, logic

I'd like you to comment if my following proof by induction is correct ($\mathbb{N} = \{0, 1, 2, \ldots\}).$ Thesis: Every formula constructed from variable $p$ and connectives $\land$, $\lor$, $\top$ ...
xorandiff's user avatar
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Every $n$-ary logical connective has a DNF

I'm trying to solve the following exercise: Let $A_1,...,A_n$ be propositions, $n \in \mathbb N$. Show that every $n$-ary logical connective $J(A_1,...,A_n)$ considered as a function $J:\{t,f\}^n \...
Staki42's user avatar
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How to prove the that no formula can be represented in the form (F . G),

"No formula can be represented in the form (F . G), where F and G are formulas and is a binary connective, in more than one way. By representing a formula in the form ¬F or (F . G) we start “parsing”...
M.J.Watson's user avatar
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Prove that $ \text{len}(q^*) \le 3\text{len}(q) -2 $

Prove by induction where q is a formula in proposition logic: $$ \text{len}(q^*) \le 3\text{len}(q) -2 $$ Where the star property (*) is defined as follows: $$ \text{atom}^* = \text{atom} $$ $$ (\...
Godfried's user avatar
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How to generalize the principle of mathematical induction for proving statements about more than one natural number?

Suppose that $P(n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_N)$ be a proposition function involving $N >1$ positive integral variables $n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_N$. Then how to generalise the familiar induction to prove this ...
Saaqib Mahmood's user avatar
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Truth table and induction

It is true that every truth table can be represented by some wff built using only the connectives $\neg, \implies$ and $\iff$ - let's call it "negation-arrow-wff" for convenience. I want to be able to ...
samantha's user avatar
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Proof of Replaceability of Equivalent Formulas by Structural Induction

My class discussed the following theorem for which I wasn't able to make it to class. Its proof is supposed to involve structural induction but I am stuck in the inductive step... Let B |=| C. If A' ...
The_Questioner's user avatar

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