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Questions tagged [prime-factorization]

For questions about factoring elements of rings into primes, or about the specific case of factoring natural numbers into primes.

3 votes
1 answer

Interesting pattern that I found while finding dice that always roll a prime number

The original puzzle I was trying to solve is to find unique numbers to write on the faces of two dice such that the numbers you see on each dice after rolling sum to a prime. I realized that for this ...
user5198's user avatar
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1 answer

Prime and Factorization, prime divisor property

Let $p$ be prime. Then if $p|ab$ then $p|a$ or $p|b$. Proof: Suppose $p$ does not divide $a$ Then $\gcd (a,p) = 1$ since $p$ is prime. $$ 1 = ma + np $$ $$ b = mab +npb$$ Since $p|map$ and $p|npb$...
John Petryk's user avatar
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2 answers

Factorization of Primes and Greatest Common Divisors

If $a=q_1^{e_1}q_2^{e_2}...q_r^{e_r}$ and $b=s_1^{f_1}s_2^{f_2},...s_u^{f_u}$ are the factorizations of $a$ and $b$ into primes, then there exist primes $t_1<t_2<...<t_v$ and nonnegative ...
user72195's user avatar
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If $a \mid c$ and $b \mid c$, but $\gcd(a,b) = 1$, then $ab \mid c$.

If $a | c$ and $b | c$ and $a$ and $b$ are relatively prime prove that $ab|c$. What I did was since $(a,b)=1$ then we can find integers $m,n$ such that $ma + nb=1$. Now since $a|c$ then $a = mc$. ...
Tom's user avatar
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Sum of number of factors of first N numbers [duplicate]

Given a number N ( Value can be large like N < 10^9 ) How can we calculate sum of the number of factors of first N numbers?? Example : For n = 3 Answer: = #f(1) + #f(2) + #f(3) --- { #f(n) ->...
infinitum's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why does prime factorization hold in the set of integers of the form $4k+1$?

I want to prove that in the set $$ S = \{4k+1 : k\text{ is a positive integer}\}$$ (i.e. $S = \{1, 5, 9, 16, \dots \}$) unique prime factorization holds. How do I do that? Edit: a prime in this ...
pittabreadD4's user avatar
2 votes
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Factoring 1001 in $\Bbb Z[\sqrt 7]$

I am solving the problem of factoring 1001 into prime elements in $\Bbb Z[\sqrt 7]$. I have a couple of questions regarding this. It seems that $\Bbb Z[\sqrt 7]$ is an Euclidean domain. But I do ...
Pteromys's user avatar
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Is this factorization correct?

I have this problem: $$\sqrt[3]{8x^5}-\sqrt[3]{27x^8}$$ The result I get is: $$x\sqrt[3]{x^2}(2-3x)$$ But I don't know if I factored it correctly because the answer is: $$\sqrt[3]{x^2}(2x-3x^2) $$
Jose's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I find decompositions in $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{d}]$?

Decompositions in $\mathbb{Z}$ In $\mathbb{Z}$ you can find a decomposition of any element $n \in \mathbb{Z}$ by factorization such that $$n = \prod_{p \in \mathbb{P}} p^{v_p(n)}$$ So for a ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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There is an ambiguity in wording that I do not understand for a factor problem.

The problem is as follows If $A = 9n$ and $B = 8n$ where $n$ is a positive integer, which one has a greater number of distinct prime factors ? According to the answer, we cannot tell. However, I ...
hyg17's user avatar
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Finding $n$ such that $\sum^{n}_{k=0} \frac{2}{p_k} = \left ( \prod^{n}_{j=0} p_j^{-1}\right) p_x$

Let $p_n$ denote the $n$th prime. Is it possible to find $n$ such that $$\sum^{n}_{k=0} \frac{2}{p_k} = \left ( \prod^{n}_{j=0} p_j^{-1}\right) p_x$$ any other way than calculating both the ...
JohnWO's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Algorithm to determine if a number is a product of consecutive primes

I want to implement a program in C++ with which I can see if a number $n$ has a prime factorization of only consecutive primes. For example $30=2\cdot 3 \cdot 5$ is such a number, while $21=3 \cdot ...
sigmatau's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Finding the sum of two numbers knowing only the primes

Pretend $N_1$ is the prime factorization of 30 and $N_2$ is the prime factorization of 8. Is there a way, using only $N_1$ and $N_2$, to get the prime factorization of the sum, 38? It is easy to do ...
MyNameIsKhan's user avatar
2 votes
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Fermat's Method - Derive worst case $n=3p$

I am currently trying to understand Fermat's method: for a number $n$ we start with $x=\lceil\sqrt{n}\rceil$ and check if $\sqrt{x^2-n}\in\mathbb N$, if not, increase $x$ and try again, etc. until $x^...
Laura's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

fastest method to determine if two numbers are coprime

I am working on a mathematical problem that involves coprime integers. I wrote a computer program that allows me to search for the numbers I am looking for. However I am looking at a large set of ...
quantus14's user avatar
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