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Networks: Covering each edge and starting and ending at the same vertice when repeating edges must be involved.

I'm in year 11 and my question is regarding a certain topic that I've come across in my curriculum. The problem surrounding this question is about creating a path of minimum length that covers each ...
hello's user avatar
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e <= 3v - 6 for planar graph question: why does every face (of a planar graph) have to have at least three sides?

Can't we make a face with just two edges(sides) and two vertices? We just connect those two vertices twice each with different edges and we can make a face between the two edges with only two vertices ...
OneMoreGamble's user avatar
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Is this degree sequence planar?

For the degree sequence [6,6,4,4,4,4,2,2,2,2]. Then this graph has $f = 10$ by euler's formula. Let $T$ be the number of triangles. Then the inequalities $2e = 36 \geq 3T + 4(10 - T)$ shows that $T \...
yuanming luo's user avatar
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Graph problem about roads built between towns [closed]

There are 10 cities in a country. The Government starts to build direct roads between the cities, but with random access, it can build direct road between two cities even if there is already another ...
Pol's user avatar
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Maximal graph not containing a subdivision of $K_5$ is $2$-connected?

I am trying to prove that a graph not containing no subdivisions of $K_5$, such that the addition of any edge would result in the existence of such a subdivision, is $2$-connected. I already know the ...
Daniel Cortild's user avatar
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How can one justify if the graph is planar from adjacency matrix?

Given an adjacency matrix of a graph $G$, I was asked to do the following without drawing the graph: A) Find the vertex of largest degree. B) Does the graph have an Euler Circuit? C) Is the graph ...
User8976's user avatar
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Graph with conditions

G is a graph whose vertex set is $\{1,2, ... , 82\}$, vertices $i$ and $j$ are adjacent iff $|i-j| \mod 4 = 0 \text{ and } i \neq j$. (a) Calculate the chromatic number of $G$. (b) Is $G$ Eulerian? ...
Archetype2142's user avatar
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Is there a simple planar graph with n vertices which has the most possible edges that is also Eulerian

For each $n$, where $n>=3$, are there any graphs in the set of all graphs with $n$ vertices that are simple and planar, and have the most possible number of edges, that also have an Eulerian path ...
micsthepick's user avatar
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Is there a $6$ vertex planar graph which which has Eulerian path of length $9$?

Let $G$ be a simple graph with Eulerian path of length $9$. There're two non-adjacent vertices $u, v$ in $G$ and if we connect $u$ and $v$ by an edge $G$ is not planar anymore. Does such a graph exist ...
Yos's user avatar
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Planar graph has an euler cycle iff its faces can be colored with 2 colors

Planar graph has an euler cycle iff its faces can be properly colored with 2 colors (such way the colors of two faces that has the common edge are different). I have an idea to consider the dual ...
sooobus's user avatar
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Prove that the graph dual to Eulerian planar graph is bipartite.

How would I go about doing this proof I am not very knowledgeable about graph theory I know the definitions of planar and bipartite and dual but how do you make these connection
Fernando Martinez's user avatar
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Prove that Petersen's graph is non-planar using Euler's formula

Prove that Petersen's graph is non-planar using Euler's formula. I know that $n - m + f = 2$. But should I count $f$ and prove that the summation does not equal to two or solve to get $f =7$ and ...
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