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14 votes
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Why can't we define arbitrarily large sets yet after defining these axioms? (Tao's Analysis I)

In Tao's Analysis I I am very confused why he says we do not have the rigor to define arbitrarily large sets after defining the below 2 axioms: Axiom 3.4 If $a$ is an object, then there exists a set $...
Princess Mia's user avatar
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How to prove that there are $n$ natural numbers that are less or equal than $n$ and what properties are allowed to use in induction.

Let $n \in \mathbf{N}$. I wondered how to prove that there are exactly $n$ natural numbers that are smaller or equal than $n$. This seems somewhat circular which confuses me. I guess the way to do ...
MaxH's user avatar
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Why is the principle of induction for natural numbers not "self-evident"? [duplicate]

The principle of induction can be stated, in first-order logic, as follows. Let $S\subseteq\mathbb N$, and suppose that $0\in S$. $\forall n:n\in S\to n+1\in S$. Then, $S=\mathbb N$. Now, suppose ...
Joe's user avatar
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3 votes
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Infinite natural numbers?

Only using the successor function $\nu$ and the other axioms, how do we guarantee that the "next" generated number is different from all the "previous" numbers (I am using ...
Roger Crook's user avatar
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A Doubt about Well Ordering Principle and Principle of Mathematical Induction

I have had this lingering doubt in my mind for a very long time: One of the standard constructions of N starts by assuming the 5 Peano Axioms, proving that every non-zero is a successor and s(n) is ...
Tara Nanda's user avatar
1 vote
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How to show that a triple $(P, S, 1)$ constitutes a Peano System?

Mendelson (in Number Systems & the Foundations of Analysis) defines a Peano System as a triple $(P, S, 1)$ consisting of a set $P$, a distinguished element $1 \in P$, and a singulary operation $S :...
Hugo's user avatar
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"Proof" of $0=1$ in set theory [closed]

Ok, so here is a proof of "$0 = 1$" I came up with today. You can do in set-theory, where natural numbers are defined in the usual way. Proof: Let $\mathsf{Succ}$ be the function that takes ...
Léreau's user avatar
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Finite Ordinals and Natural Numbers

I'm studying set theory and I'm focusing on von neumann ordinals. I've built an understanding of the reasoning that brings to the set-theoretic construction of the natural numbers whose soundness I'm ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Why is the definition of inductive set well defined?

I've been studying from Enderton's Mathematical Introduction to Logic in which he defines an inductive set as follows: To simplify our discussion, we will consider an initial set $B \subseteq U$ ...
user372382's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is there a natural number between $0$ and $1$?

Is there a natural number between $0$ and $1$? A proof, s'il vous plaît, not your personal opinion. (Assume the Peano Postulates.)
Prof Duck's user avatar