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Questions tagged [measure-theory]

Questions related to measures, sigma-algebras, measure spaces, Lebesgue integration and the like.

57 votes
4 answers

Is every Lebesgue measurable function on $\mathbb{R}$ the pointwise limit of continuous functions?

I know that if $f$ is a Lebesgue measurable function on $[a,b]$ then there exists a continuous function $g$ such that $|f(x)-g(x)|< \epsilon$ for all $x\in [a,b]\setminus P$ where the measure of $P$...
Mykie's user avatar
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57 votes
4 answers

Is composition of measurable functions measurable?

We know that if $ f: E \to \mathbb{R} $ is a Lebesgue-measurable function and $ g: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} $ is a continuous function, then $ g \circ f $ is Lebesgue-measurable. Can one replace the ...
user54843's user avatar
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56 votes
1 answer

Lebesgue measurable set that is not a Borel measurable set

exact duplicate of Lebesgue measurable but not Borel measurable BUT! can you please translate Miguel's answer and expand it with a formal proof? I'm totally stuck... In short: Is there a Lebesgue ...
example's user avatar
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56 votes
1 answer

Are vague convergence and weak convergence of measures both weak* convergence?

For quite a long time, I have been confused about the definitions of weak convergence and vague convergence of measures among other modes of convergence that root from functional analysis, mainly due ...
Tim's user avatar
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55 votes
7 answers

False beliefs about Lebesgue measure on $\mathbb{R}$

I'm trying to develop intuition about Lebesgue measure on $\mathbb{R}$ and I'd like to build a list of false beliefs about it, for example: every set is measurable, every set of measure zero is ...
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54 votes
3 answers

General Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem

In Royden (4th edition), it says one can prove the General Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem by simply replacing $g-f_n$ and $g+f_n$ with $g_n-f_n$ and $g_n+f_n$. I proceeded to do this, but I ...
emka's user avatar
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54 votes
3 answers

Preimage of generated $\sigma$-algebra

For some collection of sets $A$, let $\sigma(A)$ denote the $\sigma$-algebra generated by $A$. Let $C$ be some collection of subsets of a set $Y$, and let $f$ be a function from some set $X$ to $Y$. ...
Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya's user avatar
52 votes
3 answers

Example where union of increasing sigma algebras is not a sigma algebra

If $\mathcal{F}_1 \subset \mathcal{F}_2 \subset \dotsb$ are sigma algebras, what is wrong with claiming that $\cup_i\mathcal{F}_i$ is a sigma algebra? It seems closed under complement since for all $x$...
Neil G's user avatar
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51 votes
5 answers

Intuitive interpretation of limsup and liminf of sequences of sets?

What is an intuitive interpretation of the 'events' $$\limsup A_n:=\bigcap_{n=0}^{\infty}\bigcup_{k=n}^{\infty}A_k$$ and $$\liminf A_n:=\bigcup_{n=0}^{\infty}\bigcap_{k=n}^{\infty}A_k$$ when $A_n$ are ...
balestrav's user avatar
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51 votes
3 answers

On the equality case of the Hölder and Minkowski inequalities

I'm following the book Measure and Integral of Richard L. Wheeden and Antoni Zygmund. This is problem 4 of chapter 8. Consider $E\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ a measurable set. In the following all the ...
leo's user avatar
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50 votes
8 answers

Why do we restrict the definition of Lebesgue Integrability?

The function $f(x) = \sin(x)/x$ is Riemann Integrable from $0$ to $\infty$, but it is not Lebesgue Integrable on that same interval. (Note, it is not absolutely Riemann Integrable.) Why is it we ...
Rachel's user avatar
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50 votes
3 answers

Vitali-type set with given outer measure

Is it possible to construct a non-measurable set in $[0,1]$ of a given outer measure $x \in [0,1]$? This will probably require the axiom of choice. Does anyone have a suggestion? Edit: I forgot to ...
JT_NL's user avatar
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49 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between outer measure and Lebesgue measure?

What is the difference between outer measure and Lebesgue measure? We know that there are sets which are not Lebesgue measurable, whereas we know that outer measure is defined for any subset of $\...
lavy's user avatar
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49 votes
4 answers

Infinite product of measurable spaces

Suppose there is a family (can be infinite) of measurable spaces. What are the usual ways to define a sigma algebra on their Cartesian product? There is one way in the context of defining product ...
Tim's user avatar
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48 votes
6 answers

What is the intuition behind Chebyshev's Inequality in Measure Theory

Chebyshev's Inequality Let $f$ be a nonnegative measurable function on $E .$ Then for any $\lambda>0$, $$ m\{x \in E \mid f(x) \geq \lambda\} \leq \frac{1}{\lambda} \cdot \int_{E} f. $$ What ...
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